ENGINEMAN 1 & CSOURCES OF INFORMATIONIt is very important for you to have an exten-sive knowledge of the references to consult fordetailed, authoritative, up-to-date information onall subjects related to the military requirementsand to the occupational qualifications of theEngineman rating.Center. Each revised edition is identified by aletter following the NAVEDTRA number. Whenusing this publication, be SURE you have themost recent edition.Some of the publications discussed here aresubject to change or revision from time to time—some at regular intervals, others as the need arises.When using any publication that is subject tochange or revision, be sure you have the latest edi-tion. When using any publication that is kept cur-rent by means of changes, be sure you have a copyin which all official changes have been entered.In NAVEDTRA 10052, the required andrecommended references are listed by pay gradelevel. It is important to remember that you areresponsible for all references used at lower levels,as well as those listed for the pay grade to whichyou are seeking advancement.NAVAL EDUCATION ANDTRAINING (NAVEDTRA)PUBLICATIONSRate training manuals that are marked withan asterisk (*) in NAVEDTRA 10052 are MAN-DATORY at the indicated levels. A mandatorytraining manual may be completed by (1)passing the appropriate Enlisted CorrespondenceCourse based on the mandatory training manual,(2) passing locally prepared tests based on the in-formation given in the mandatory trainingmanual, or (3) in some cases, successfullygraduating from an appropriate Navy school.Originally, training manuals were developedby the Chief of Naval Training and carried thedesignation NAVTRA followed by a number. In1973, the Naval Education and Training Produc-tion Development Center (NETPDC) came di-rectly under the command of the Chief of NavalEducation and Training (CNET). Trainingmaterials published by NETPDC after the abovedate are designated NAVEDTRA in lieu of NAV-TRA; however, the numbers remain as originallyassigned for most publications. The designatorsof publications printed prior to 1973 will bechanged as each publication is revised.It is important to note that all references,whether mandatory or recommended, listed inNAVEDTRA 10052, may be expected to be usedas source material for the written examinationsat the appropriate levels. In addition, referenceslisted in a rate training manual may also be usedas source material for examination questions.Rate Training ManualsThe naval training publications described hereinclude some which are absolutely essential foranyone seeking advancement and some which,although not essential, are extremely helpful.Most rate training manuals are written for thespecific purpose of helping personnel prepare foradvancement. Some manuals are general in natureand are intended for use by more than one rating;others (such as this one) are specific to a particularrating.NAVEDTRA 10052The Bibliography for Advancement Examina-tion Study, NAVEDTRA 10052 is a very impor-tant publication for anyone preparing foradvancement. This publication lists required andrecommended rate training manuals and otherreference material to be used by personnelworking for advancement. NAVEDTRA 10052is revised and issued once each year by the NavalEducation Training and Program DevelopmentRate training manuals are revised from timeto time to bring them up to date. The revision ofa rate training manual is identified by a letterfollowing the NAVEDTRA number. You can tellwhether or not a rate training manual you areusing is the latest edition by checking the NAVED-TRA number and the letter following it in themost recent edition of the List of TrainingManuals and Correspondence Courses, NAVED-TRA 10061 (revised).There are three rate training manuals that arespecially prepared to present information on the1-8
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