a. The person designated to prepare the tag-out
is normally the ships force petty officer in charge of the
work This person fills out and signs the record sheet and
prepares the tags.
b. A tag-out record sheet is prepared for a
specific purpose. All tags used for that purpose are listed
on an initial record sheet and additional sheets as
necessary. The stated purpose may include several work
items. Each record sheet is assigned a log serial number
in sequence, from the index/audit record. Log serial
numbers are also used to identify all tags associated with
a given purpose. Each tag is given its own sequential
number as it is entered in the record sheet. For example,
tag 7-16 would be the sixteenth tag issued on a single
record sheet with the log serial number seven. To
differentiate among tag-out logs, a prefixed system,
approved by the commanding officer, is used with the
log serial numbers.
c. The tag-out record sheet includes references
to other documents that apply. Some examples are work
permits, work procedures, repair directives, reentry
control forms, test forms, and rip-out forms. Certain
information should be gotten either from reference
documents or from the personnel requesting the work
Some examples are the reasons for tag-out, the hazards
involved, the amplifying instructions, and the work
necessary to clear the tags. This information should be
detailed enough to give watch standers a clear
understanding of the purpose of, and necessity for, each
tag-out action.
d. Use enough tags to completely isolate the
system, piping, or circuit being worked on. Be sure you
use tags to prevent the operation of a system or
component from all the stations that could exercise
control. Use system diagrams or circuit schematics to
determine the number of tags needed. Indicate the
location and position/condition of each tagged item by
an easily identifiable means. Some examples are MS-l,
e. After you have filled out the tags and the
tag-out record sheet, have a second person make an
independent check of the tag-out coverage and usage.
That person should use appropriate circuit schematics
and system diagrams. The second person verities the
completeness of the tag-out action by signing the record
f. The authorizing officer then reviews the
record sheet and tags for adequacy and accuracy. When
satisfied, the officer signs the record sheet and the tags.
(1) If a tag-out is requested by a repair
activity, the repair activity representative (shop
supervisor or equivalent) must sign the tag-out record
sheet. This shows that the repair activity is satisfied with
the completeness of the tag-out. Verified tags alert all
personnel that the repair activity must approve the
removal of the tags.
(2) If the repair activity representatives
concurrence is not required, this space on the record
sheet need not be filled in.
(3) On ships with DCC, the authorizing
officer annotates the tag-out record sheet in the upper
right-hand corner with the words DCC notified, and then
initials it. This ensures that DCC knows the extent of the
tag-out and the status of the material condition of the
(4) The authorizing officer then authorizes
installation of the tags.
g. The person attaching the tag must make sure
the item tagged is in the prescribed position or condition.
If the item is not in the prescribed position or condition,
he or she must get permission from the authorizing
officer to change it to the prescribed condition or
position. As each tag is attached and the position or
condition is verified, the person attaching the tag must
sign the tag and initial the record sheet.
NOTE: Only a qualified person from the ships
force may position equipment and affix tags and labels.
The tags should be attached so they will be noticed by
anyone who wants to operate the component. Tags must
NOT be attached to breaker covers or valve caps that
may be removed later.
h. After all tags have been attached, a second
person must independently verify proper item
positioning and tag attachment, sign each tag, and initial
the record sheet. If repair activity concurrence is
required, a repair activity representative must witness
the verification, sign the tags, and initial the tag-out
record sheet.
NOTE: Only qualified ships force personnel may
perform the second check of tag installation.
i. Sometimes additional tags are required
because of added work on an existing tag-out record
sheet. In that case, the person making the change must
handle the DANGER and CAUTION tags and tag-out
record sheet as follows: