(1) Ensure that the purpose of the existingrecord sheet remains unchanged by the new work andits associated tags.(2) Fill out the tag-out record sheet to reflectthe added work. Prepare whatever additional tags arerequired. Review the reason for the tag-out, the hazardsinvolved, the amplifying instructions, and the worknecessary to clear the tags. Do this on the existingtag-out record sheet to ensure that it reflects the old workand the new work being added to the record sheet. Aftercompleting the review of the record sheet, have the pettyofficer in charge of the work sign the first coveragecheck block next to the added work item.(3) Number each tag added to the existingtag-out sequentially, beginning with the number after thelast number in the original tag-out. Annotate the serialnumbers of the new tags next to the associated new workitem on the record sheet. Enter the updated number ofeffective tags at the top of the record sheet by crossingthrough the previous number and writing in the newnumber.(4) After the new tags and the tag-out recordsheet have been filled out and signed by the petty officerin charge of the work, have a second person make areview. The second person makes an independent checkof the tag coverage and usage by referring to appropriateschematics and diagrams. This person should sign therecord sheet in the block for the new work item to showsatisfaction with the completeness of the tag-out actions.This includes both the additional and the previouslyissued tags.(5) Request that the authorizing officer and,when required, the repair activity representative reviewthe entire record sheet and the new tags for completenessand accuracy. They should then sign their respectiveblocks for the added work item. The authorizing officerwill then issue the tags.j. Do not allow work to start until all theDANGER tags required for the protection of personnelor equipment have been attached according toestablished procedures.2. REMOVING DANGER AND CAUTIONTAGS. Remove these tags immediately after thesituation requiring the tag-out has been corrected. Aseach work item identified on the tag-out record sheet iscompleted, delete it from the tag-out record sheet.Completed work items listed in the Operations/WorkItems Included in Tag-Out section of the record sheetmust be signed off. This is done by the authorizingofficer (and repair activity representative, whenrequired) in the designated signature block. AllDANGER tags must be properly cleared and removedbefore a system or portion of a system can beoperationally tested and restored to service. To removeindividual tags, the authorizing officer must ensure thatthe remaining tags provide adequate protection forwork, testing, or operations that still remain to beperformed. Tags may only be removed following thesigned authorization of the authorizing officer. When atag-out action was initiated by a repair activity, anauthorized representative of that repair activity mustconcur that the job is complete. A shop supervisor orequivalent must sign the tag-out record sheet before thetags may be removed. As the tags are removed, thedate/time of removal must be initialed. Ditto marks arenot allowed. All tags must be returned immediately tothe authorizing officer. This officer then requires asystem lineup or a lineup check Tags that have beenremoved must be destroyed after they have beendelivered to the authorizing officer. All tags associatedwith each specific tag-out action must be destroyed andthe system or component returned to normal operating(shutdown) condition. The authorizing officer must thencertify these actions by entering the date and time whenthe system lineup or lineup check was completed. In acase where a system or component restoration wasperformed according to a specific document, referenceto that document is made in the Condition Prescribed Byblock Inapplicable portions of the statements on therecord sheet are lined out and initialed when a valvelineup check is not required or when the system is notreturned to a normal condition. The authorizing officermust also enter the date and time cleared on theappropriate line of the tag-out index/audit record. Thecompleted record sheets must be removed from theeffective section of the log and placed in the completedsection, They will be reviewed and removed by adesignated officer. On ships having a DCC, theauthorizing officer must notify DCC that the tag-out hasbeen cleared. To complete the process, the authorizingofficer must annotate the completed tag-out record sheetin the lower right-hand corner on the reverse side withthe words DCC notified, and then initial it.a. When any component is tagged more thanonce, the DANGER tag takes precedence over all othertags. All DANGER tags must be removed and clearedbefore the equipment may be operationally tested oroperated.b. A missing or damaged tag is reissued byindicating on the tag-out record sheet, on the linecorresponding to the damaged or missing tag, that thetag was missing or damaged and that a replacement was1-17
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