1-10.What manual or instruction wasdeveloped for the management ofequipment in a variety of extremeconditions?1.COMSECOND/ COMTHIRDCBINST11200.1 series2.NAVFAC P-4043.NAVFAC P-4054.NAVFAC P-4371-11.Policies and procedures to assistpersonnel concerned with themanagement of equipment within theNaval Construction Brigades arecontained in which of the followinginstructions?1.COMSECOND/COMTHIRDNCBINST11200.1 series2.COMSECOND/ COMTHIRDNCBINST11200.2 series3.COMSECOND/COMTHIRDNCBINST11200.3 series4.COMSECOND/COMTHIRDNCBINST11200.4 series1-12.What manual or instruction hasthe intent to assist all levelsof personnel in the managementof transportation/maintenanceoperations?1.NAVFAC P-4372.NAVFAC P-4053.COMSECOND/ COMTHIRDNCBINST11200.1 series4.COMSECOND/ COMTHIRDNCBINST11200.41 series1-13.The Chief of Civil Engineersprovides technical guidanceregarding the organization andoperation of the NCF in whichof the following manuals?1.NAVFAC P-4052.NAVFAC P-3153.NAVFAC P-4374.NAVFAC P-3061-14.What manual presents an overview ofthe NCF and describes the missionand concepts of operations for NCFunits other than the NMCB?1.NAVFAC P-3062.NAVFAC P-3073.NAVFAC P-4054.NAVFAC P-315Learning Objective: Identifythe programs and formats usedfor the management and controlof equipment.1-15.Which of the following computerprograms is used for the managementand procurement of CESE?1.CASE/MIS2. ENABLE3. SAMMS4.WP 5.11-16.The COMSECOND/COMTHIRDNCB EquipmentOffices perform on-hands managementof CESE assignments, replacements,and overhauls on what computerprogram?1. ENABLE2.CASE/MIS3.WP 5.14.FORM TOOL1-17.What type of list is a TAB A?1.Supply list2.Parts list3.Weapons list4.Equipment list1-18.The TAB A is initiated by whatoffice?1.Civil Engineer Support Office2.COMSECOND/COMTHIRDNCB EquipmentOffice3.Alfa company operations office4.Alfa company maintenance office2
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