1-41.During a deployment, what personevaluates and balances the mileageand hours put on assigned CESE?1.The alfa company commander2.The transportation supervisor3.The yard boss4.The maintenance supervisor1-42.The base station for taxi serviceshould be controlled at which ofthe following locations?1.The quarterdeck2.The galley3.The dispatch office4.The barracks1-43.One of the missions of the trans-portation supervisor is to ensurea maximum service life for theequipment.1.True2.FalseLearning Objective: Identifythe responsibilities of theyard boss.1-44.The yard boss enforces whichof the following procedures?1.Bravo company maintenance2.Mechanic maintenance3. Operator maintenance4.Mishap maintenance1-45.The yard boss is NOT responsiblefor which of the following actions?1.Traffic flow2.Refueling facility3.Maintaining the washrack4.Inventory of collateralequipage1-46.The NCF Table of Allowance (TOA)contains which of the followingtool kits to support the yard bossprogram?1-47.What person maintains the hard cardlog book and issues the hard cardnumbers?1.The yard boss2.The dispatcher3.The collateral equipagecustodian4.The maintenance supervisor1-48.The equipment cycle log is main-tained by which of the followingpersonnel?1.The yard boss2.The light shop supervisor3.The heavy shop supervisor4.The 5000 shop supervisor1-49.Cycling of equipment should beaccomplished at what intervals?1.Daily2.Weekly3.Every two weeks4.Monthly1-50.Part of the preventive maintenanceprogram is the monthly cleaning ofCESE that allows the detection andprevention of major problems.1.True2.False1-51.The cleaning of CESE providesextended equipment life andincreased efficiency of operatorswhen they preform pre and postoperational checks.1.True2.False1-52.Which of the following terms bestidentifies an interim repair?1.First echelon maintenance2.Scheduled maintenance3.Unscheduled maintenance4.Scheduled PM maintenance1.Kit 800132.Kit 800313.Kit 801074.Kit 801115
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