2-9.The liberty bus service is managedby which of the followingpersonnel?1.The operation officer2.The transportation supervisor3.The yard boss4.The bus drivers2-10.When should you request the on-sitedeployed unit’s liberty bus policyand schedule?1.During the BEEP2.After the BEEP3.During the pre-deployment visit4.During the mid-deployment visit2-11.The final approval signature forthe liberty bus policy is that ofwhat person?1.The Alfa company commander2.The commanding officer3.The operations officer4.The executive officer2-12.What location is the hub ofcommunication for trouble callsconcerning CESE in the field?1.The quarterdeck2.The barracks3.The dispatch office4.The mechanic shop2-13.The log to track the flow of fieldrepairs should be maintained bywhich of the following personnel?1.The yard boss2.The dispatcher3.The transportation supervisor4.The operations chief2-14.What person should control theoperations of the maintenancefield crew?1.The dispatcher2.The light shop supervisor3.The 5000 shop supervisor4.The heavy shop supervisorLearning Objective: Recognizethe duties involved in theequipment maintenance program.2-15.The goal of the equipment mainte-nance program is to keep all CESEin a safe and serviceable conditionat a reasonable cost and to detectmajor deficiencies before theydevelop into costly repairs.1.True2.False2-16.What person is responsible for theequipment maintenance program forall assigned CESE?1.The Alfa company operationschief2.The Bravo company maintenancechief3.The Alfa company maintenancechief4.The command master chief2-17.The maintenance supervisorcoordinates all equipmentrequirements, equipment abuse,and reoccurring equipmentbreakdowns with what person?1.The yard boss2.The Alfa companyoperations chief3.The dispatcher4.The fuel truck operator2-18.What person exercises independentjudgement as to whether a pieceof equipment requires immediatemechanic attention or can bedelayed until the next scheduledPM?1.The maintenance supervisor2.The yard boss3.The equipment inspector4.The pm/cost control clerk10
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