2-19.What block on the ERO does thedispatcher sign for customerapproval of repaired CESE?1.Block 762.Block 773.Block 784.Block 792-20.What person divides all CESE intopreventive maintenance groups,prepares the PM schedule, andmaintains the PM Record Card?1.The equipment inspector2.The PM/Cost control clerk3.The direct turnover clerk4.The company clerk2-21.What person communicates with thePM/cost control clerk when updatingthe equipment status board?1.The attachment custodian2.The yard boss3.The dispatcher4.The company clerk2-22.Pertinent descriptive data and themaintenance history for a vehicleis contained in what file?1.The history jacket2.The cost control file3.The accident file4.The maintenance folder2-23.Which of the following records isNOT contained in a history jacket?1.DOD property record2.Equipment attachmentregistration record3.Motor vehicle utilizationrecord4.PM record cards2-24.What person is the liaison betweenthe supply office and the mechanicshop?2-25.DTO parts are stored in whatsequence?1.By USN number in PM groups2.By manufacturer in PM groups3.By part number in PM groups4.By EC number in PM groups2-26.When repair parts are received theDTO clerk notifies what person?1.The company clerk2.The dispatcher3.The cost control clerk4.The postal clerk2-27.What person is responsible forenforcing check-out procedures formanuals, researching part numbers,and preparing NAVSUP Form 1250s?1.The battalion librarian2.The technical librarian3.The floor mechanic4.The shop supervisorLearning Objective: Recognizethe maintenance levels used inthe equipment maintenance program.2-28.What level of maintenance isdivided into operator maintenanceand preventive maintenance?1.Organizational2.Intermediate3.Depot4.First echelon2-29.Maximizing overall equipmentavailability and minimize repaircost is the prime objective forwhat type of maintenance?1.Intermediate2.Depot3.Operator4.Preventive1.The pm/cost control clerk2.The company clerk3.The parts expediter4.The direct turnover clerk11
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