2-51.CESE should be placed in live2-52.2-53.2-54.2-55.2-56.storage when there is no plannedoperational requirements for whattime period?1.90 working days2.80 working days3.70 working days4.60 working daysCESE eligible for live storagemust have what level equipmentevaluation code?1. A22. A33. A44. A5In a battalion, which departmentstores, inventories, and issuesbulk petroleum products?1.Mechanic2.Operations3.supply4.Equipment operationsWhat supervisor is responsible forthe storage of petroleum productsused in the transportation pool?1.The light shop2.The heavy shop3.The transportation4.The yard crewEquipment acquisition anddisposition procedures for publicworks units are outlined in whatpublication?1.NAVFAC P-4052.NAVFAC P-3003.NAVFAC P-3064.NAVFAC P-307What office notifies the NMCBof equipment acquisitions ordisposition instructions?1.Civil Engineer Support Office2.Civil Equipment Support Office3.COMSECOND/COMTHIRDNCB EquipoOffice4.COMSECOND/COMTHIRDNCB EngineerOfficeLearning Objective:Identifythe responsibilities whensupervising the BEEP.2-57.2-58.2-59.2-60.2-61.What does the1.BattalionProgram2.BattalionPlatoon3.BattalionPlatoon4.BattalionProgramacronym BEEP mean?Engineer EquipmentEngineer EquipmentEvaluation EquipmentEquipment EvaluationOne purpose of the BEEP is toprovide a realistic in-depthcondition evaluation of theCESE allowance.1.True2.FalseWhat supervisor provides thetransportation supervisor thescheduled CESE list for the BEEP?1.The heavy shop supervisor2.The light shop supervisor3.The maintenance supervisor4.The 5000 shop supervisorCOMSECOND/COMTHIRDNCBINST 11200.1Series recommends that the CESEscheduling be accomplished tocomplete the BEEP within a maximumof how many working days?1. 52. 103. 124. 15The equipment pool must have enoughCESE prepared before the commence-ment of the BEEP to ensure use ofall mechanics for a maximum of howmany work days?1. 12. 23. 34. 414
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