ASSIGNMENT 3Textbook Assignment:“Transportation Supervisor,” and “Air Detachment Equipment Supervisor”pages 1-38 through 2-16.3-5.Learning Objective:(continued)Identify the responsibilities ofa license examiner.3-1.What form is used to apply fora material-handling equipmentlicense?1.NAVFAC 11240/103-6.2.NAVFAC 11240/23.NAVFAC 11240/134.NAVFAC 11240/93-2.License application forms arecompleted by the applicants andmust be signed by what person?1.Commanding officer2.Project supervisor3-7.3.Company chief4.Transportation supervisor3-3.What publication states militarypersonnel may operate government-owned vehicles under 10,000 poundsGVW without a government license?1.NAVFAC P-3063-8.2.NAVFAC P-3003.NAVFAC P-3074.NAVFAC P-4043-4.The SF-47 is retained in anapplicant’s license file andis replaced with a new one atwhat time?3-9.1.Once a year2.When the license is renewed3.When the license is lost4.Every two yearsThe license examiner does NOT givea performance qualification testfor what type of equipment?A license examiner should havea minimum of how many writtenexaminations for each type ofequipment?1.One2. Two3.Three4.FourSample written tests forconstruction and weight-handlingequipment are contained in whatpublication?1.NAVFAC P-3002.NAVFAC P-4053.NAVFAC P-3064.NAVFAC P-3071.Dozers2.Rock drills3.Graders4.CranesWhat manual contains sampleMHE test questions?1.NAVFAC P-3072.NAVFAC P-3003.DODINST 4145.19-R-14.DODINST 4160.21MWhich of the following states doesNOT require a valid state driver’slicense in addition to the OF-346to operate government-ownedvehicles off base?1.Florida2.Nebraska3.Alaska4.Vermont17
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