3-53.3-54.3-55.3-56.3-57.What type of shoring is requiredfor long vehicles such as low-boytrailers?1.Parking2.Approach3.Sleeper4.RollerWhat shoring is used to preventvehicles with soft tires frombouncing inside the aircraft?1.Parking2.Approach3.Sleeper4.RollerLearning Objective: Recognizethe procedures used whenpalletizing cargo in the NCF.The surface structure of the 463Lis made of a corrosion resistantaluminum.The core is made of whattype of material?1.Plywood2.Hardwood3.Dogwood4.SoftwoodTo prolong the life of a 463Lpallet, you should ensure loadweight placed on the pallet notexceed what maximum weight?1.8,000 pounds2.7.500 pounds3.7,000 pounds4.6,500 poundsThe top net of the pallet netsis identified by what color?1.Blue2.Green3.Yellow4.Brown3-58.3-59.3-60.3-61.3-62.Aisleways must be built on palletsthat are to be loaded on a C-130aircraft in what positions?1.One or two2.Three or four3.Five or six4.Seven or eightTechnical publications requireforklift tines be what minimumlength?1.36 inches2.48 inches3.60 inches4.72 inchesWhat piece of equipment in theNCF TOA has a set of roller tinefork extensions assigned as anattachment?1.R/T forklift2.4K forklift3.6K forklift4.12K Lift King forkliftLearning Objective: Recognizethe collateral equipage, siteselection, and site arrivalactivities of the air detachment.Proper management of the air detcollateral equipage programenhances your equipment managementprogram for the air det.1.True2.FalseWhat environmental factor must notbe overlooked when considering asite for the equipment pool?1.Drainage2.Type of soil3.Amount of vegetation4.Amount of trees22
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