3-31.The TOA outfits the NMCB withtools and equipment to performconstruction operations undercontingency conditions for aminimum of how many days?1. 902. 453. 304. 153-32.What command is responsiblefor maintaining the NCF TOAs?1.CESO2.CESOC3. CED4.COMSECOND/COMTHIRDNCB3-33.The NCF TOA Is divided into threeechelons.What echelon isdesignated for the air det?1.TA212.TA313.TA414.TA513-34.What is the kit number designatorfor lubrication equipment andaccessories?1.800132.800313.800574.801073-35.When requesting Mod 96, Mod 98, andPOL products, the lead mechaniccoordinates the request with whatperson?1.The heavy shop supervisor2.The light shop supervisor3.The maintenance supervisor4.The 5000 shop supervisor3-36.During the 48 hour mount-out,the requested kits and suppliesare staged at what location?3-37.3-38.3-39.3-40.3-41.Learning Objective: Recognize theresponsibilities when identifyingand preparing CESE for the airdetachment.The air det CESE allowance fora deployment site is containedin what listing?1.TAB A2.TA413.TAB B4.TA31The prioritizing of CESE, supplies,and POL products allows what officeto prepare load plans?1.Equipment2.supply3.Embarkation4.DispatchThe CESE and cargo that are placedinto a configuration for eachaircraft is known by what term?1.Cargo load2.Chalk3.Plane load4.Staged loadSpecial handling data isdocumented on what form?1.DD Form 1387-22.DD Form 1348-13.DD Form 13424.DD Form 2133Who directs the operationsof the MOCC?1.Equipment officer2.Supply officer3.Executive officer4.Embarkation officer1.Alfa company yard2.Battalion grinder3.Battalion spaces4.Marshaling area20
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