ASSIGNMENT 4Textbook Assignment:“Air Detachment Equipment Supervisor,” “Crane Crew Supervisor,” and“Projects Supervisor,” pages 2-16 through 4-11.4-5.What governmental agency mayLearning Objective: Recognizerequire a de-bugging steam washthe air det responsibilitiesbe conducted on all CESE?for projects, mount-out, andretrograde operations.1.The Department of Environmentalprotection2.The Department of Motor4-1.What is the primary functionof the construction platoon?1.To perform equipment operations2.To perform camp operations3.To perform constructionoperations4.To perform communicationoperations4-2.The tailoring of ratings assignedto the air det is dependent uponthe extent and variety of tasking.1.True2.False4-3.What person is responsible fordeveloping a productive method forwashing CESE for the mount-out?1.Support platoon supervisor2.Air det operations chief3.Equipment platoon supevisor4.Air det embarkation officer4-4.CESE preparation is a time-consuming event that must beproperly planned in order tomeet the deadline for the jointinspection.1.True2.False4-6.4-7.4-8.Vehicles3.The Department of Health andWelfare4.The Department of AgricultureWhat does the acronym DACG mean?1.Dependent Airlift Crew Group2.Deployment Airlift ConstructionGroup3.Departure Airlift ConstructionGroup4.Departure Airlift Control GroupWhat term identifies the period oftime in which items are inventoriedreordered, cleaned, and turned in?1.BEEP2.Mount in3.Retrograde4.Return gradeThe final condition of CESE andthe positive accountability ofcollateral equipage and of toolkits determines your final gradein the successful management ofair det CESE?1.True2.FalseLearning Objective: Recognizethe responsibilities for theselection and training of cranecrews in the NCF.25
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