3-63.When the air det embarks byairlift, what number designateshow members are scheduled todepart?1.The ticket number2.The aircraft number3.The chalk number4.The seat number3-64.What group normally remains at theairfield until all scheduled chalksarrive at the mission site?1.Arrival Air Force Control Group2.Airlift Arrival Control Group3.Arrival Airlift Combat Group4.Arrival Airlift Control Group3-65.What platoon has theresponsibilities of transportingboth cargo and personnel from theairfield to the mission site?1.Equipment2.Support3.Transport4.Construction3-66.What platoon has the keyresponsibility for camp setup?1.Equipment2.Support3.Construction4.OperationsLearning Objective: Recognizethe responsibilities of theequipment platoon operations.3-67.For control and accountability,what is the best dispatchassignment for air det assignedCESE?1.Class A2.Class B3.Class C4.Class D3-68.What person is responsible forequipment-related operations ofthe air det?1.The support platoon supervisor2.The construction platoonsupervisor3.The equipment platoonsupervisor4.The assistant officer in charge3-69.During the first few days of an airdet operations, what is one of themost important pieces of CESE?1.The roller2.The grader3.The generator4.The forklift3-70.What platoon has the responsibilityto check and fill water buffalosand make daily dump runs?1.Support2.Construction3.Equipment4.Engineer3-71.Fuel drums and POL products mustbe stored what minimum number offeet away from any structure?1. 502. 453. 304. 253-72.What supervisor should direct theoperations of the maintenance fieldcrew?1.Support platoon supervisor2.Air det maintenance supervisor3.Construction platoon supervisor4.Air det engineer supervisor3-73.When performing maintenance onair det CESE, you are requiredto document which of the followingitems?1.Repair parts used2.Lube oils used3.Man-hours expended4.All of the above23
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