3-42.During a mount-out, what areaserves as a coordinating center forall companies and staff personnel?1.Alfa company2.Quarterdeck3.Marshaling yard4. MOCC3-43.Embarking CESE on aircraft requiresfollowing the special loadingprocedures that are outlined inwhat manual?1.3120.1 series2.11200.1 series3.P-4044.P-3003-44.During the mount-out, what membersare responsible for knowing thelocation of the bolts, nuts, andparts for disassembled equipment?1.Mechanic shop2.Equipment platoon3.Support platoon4.Transportation yard crew3-45.After Alfa company is completedwith a piece of CESE, what locationdoes the dispatcher notify that theCESE is ready to be transferred?1.Quarterdeck2.Operations3. MOCC4.Air operationsLearning Objective: Recognize theweighing and marking procedures,and’ shoring used in the NCF.3-46.When computing the center ofbalance (C/B) of a piece of CESE,you should perform what step first?1.Establish the distanceto the front axle2.Establish the distanceto the trunnion3.Compute the weight ofthe front axle4.Establish the referencedatum line3-47.In the weighing and markingprocess, at what step is thevehicle placed on portable scales?1.When computing for D12.When computing for FAW,IAW,RAW3.When computing for D24.When computing for D33-48.The RAW for a vehicle with tandemaxles is the total weight of whattwo weights added together?1.FAW + IAW2.FAW + RAW3.IAW + RAW4.GVW + RAW3-49.To locate the C/B of a vehicle,you measure from what location?1.From D12.From D23.From D34.From RDL3-50.What letters are written on thehorizontal portion of the tapeused to denote the C/B of avehicle?1. GVW2. RDL3.FAW4. RAW3-51.What type of shoring is requiredfor track equipment?1.Parking2.Sleeper3.Approach4.Roller3-52.What type of shoring is usedfor rollers?1.Parking2.Approach3.Sleeper4.Roller21
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