3-10.Which, if any, of the followinginformation can be derived froman OF-346 with the number 133-001?1.It belongs to the COof NMCB-1332.It is the first licenseissued by NMCB-1333.It is the one hundredthirty-third licenseissued by NMCB-14.None of the above3-11.The license examiner issuesan OF-346 on 10 Jan 93 to anindividual with a birth date of12 Jun 70.Unless renewed, thelicense expires on what date?1.10 Jan 962.10 Jan 953.12 Jun 964.12 Jun 953-12.Typical notations, such as JD670,D7 Cat, are found in what blockon the NAVFAC 11260/2?1.Equipment type2.Size and capacity3.Attachment4.Type of control3-13.License renewal actions shouldstart a maximum of how many daysbefore the expiration date?1. 902. 603. 454. 303-14.Under what condition is agovernment operator licenseautomatically extended?1.While assigned to NCTCfor training2.While traveling underPCS orders3.While deployed withan air detachment4.While assigned to acombat zone3-15.By power of authority, anoperator’s license can be revokedby which of the following people?1.Equipment officer2.Maintenance supervisor3.Transportation chief4.License examiner3-16.In a battalion, what officerconducts traffic court?1.The legal officer2.The commanding officer3.The equipment officer4.The executive officer3-17.When an operator’s license isrevoked, the license examinermakes a notation of the daterevoked on what form?1.NAVFAC 11260/42.NAVFAC 11260/33.NAVFAC 11260/24.NAVFAC 11260/13-18.The personnel office is responsiblefor including the license examinerin the check-in or check-outprocess of personnel in a command.1.True2.False3-19.Poor equipment operating practicescause accidents and equipmentbreakdowns.To reduce theseproblems, a license examiner canestablish what type of program?1.Security2.Maintenance3.Safety4.Training3-20.A training license expiration dateshould not exceed a maximum of howmany days from the date of issue?1. 152. 203. 254. 3018
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