4-9.At least what percentage of craneaccidents results from operatorinattention, poor judgment,overconfidence, and/or excessivespeed?1.70%2.75%3.80%4.85%4-10.Which of the following publicationsdoes NOT contain outline standardsfor weight-handling equipment?1.NAVFAC P-3072.NAVFAC P-4043.NAVFAC P-4054.NAVFAC P-3064-11.Which of the following supervisorsmust be designated in writing bythe commanding officer?1.Transportation2.Crane crew3.Projects4. Quarry4-12.In an NMCB, at what time shouldthe crane crew be selected?1.At the beginning ofthe deployment2.At the beginning ofthe home-port period3.At the end of thehome-port period4.During the BEEP4-13.Crane operators assigned tothe crane crew should havewhat characteristics?1.Maturity and experience2.Experience and personality3.Maturity and education4.Education and personality4-14.Crane operators must meet theminimum physical examinationrequirements as established bywhat NAVFAC publication?1.P-4152.P-4043.P-3064.P-3154-15.Before receiving a license tooperate a crane, an operator mustattend a minimum of how many hoursof formal classroom training?1. 82. 243. 324. 404-16.What person in an NMCB has thedirect responsibility for testingcrane operators?1.Crane test director2.Crane crew leader3.Certified crane supervisor4.Crane certifying officer4-17.What person in an NMCB designatesin writing the crane test mechanic?1.Commanding officer2.Operations officer3.Crane certifying officer4.Crane test directorLearning Objective: Recognizethe procedures for performingthe BEEP of cranes.4-18.The weight testing of cranes isa time-consuming event and shouldbe completed before the end of theBEEP.1.True2.False26
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