4-62.What person determines theorganizational concept ofconstruction used in an NMCB?1.CO and S-32.NAVFACENGCOM3. COMSECOND/COMTHIRDNCB4.Naval Construction Regiment4-63.What is the most common construc-tion concept used in the NCF?1.Project manager/resourcemanager2.Prime contractor/lead company3.Self-sufficient unit/detail4.Prime company/lead contractor4-64.What NAVFAC publication outlinesthe concepts of construction usedin the NCF?1.NAVFAC P-4052.NAVFAC P-4043.NAVFAC P-3204.NAVFAC P-3154-65.At what step of deployment planningdoes the battalion receivepreliminary tasking and beginmonitoring the efforts of theon-site battalion?1.Initial2.Detailed3.Follow on4.Follow-up4-66.At what planning step are personnelassigned to details, companies, andstaff billets?1.Detailed2.Follow-up3.Initial4.Follow-on4-67.What element assists companies anddetails with the planning effortand coordinates the detail analysisof project requirements?4-68.What areas are inspected duringthe first of the three phases ofa readiness-to-deploy inspection?1.Battalion organization andtraining plans2.CESE management plans3.Construction project plans4.Execution plansLearning Objective: Recognizethe steps performed to computeearthwork volumes.4-69.Mistakes made in P&E can bedetrimental to the successfulcompletion of a constructionproject.1.True2.False4-70.What total number of cubic feetequals 1 cubic yard?1. 32. 93. 274. 364-71.When calculating estimates fromconstruction prints, you mustremember that cuts are measuredin what state?1.Inplace cubic yards2.Compacted cubic yards3.Loose cubic yards4.Swell cubic yards4-72.In road construction, what is thename of the slope that extends fromthe outside of the shoulder to thebottom of the ditch?1.Foreslope2.Sideslope3.Backslope4.Frontslope1.Material liaison office2. Quality control element3.Material construction control4. Quality construction element31
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