5-32.Material from the hydroconecrusher is recirculated to thetop screen by what components?1.The return conveyer and therevolving elevator wheel2.The under conveyer and a dropchute3.The under conveyer and therevolving elevator wheel4.The return conveyer and acrossover chute5-33.The desired performance of aspecific screen is obtainedby taking which of the follow-ing actions?1.Varying the degree ofinclination2.Varying the frequencyand amplitude of stroke3.Varying the direction ofthrow4.All of the above5-34.Which of the following is NOTa factor that affects theoperational efficiency of aconveyer?1.Speed2.Length of travel3.Loading4.Incline5-35.What factor determines thecapacity of a washing andscreening plant?1.Water pressure2.Speed of the dehydrator3.Percent of sand in thedeposit4.Capacity of the scrubberLearning Objective: Recognizecrusher supervisor responsi-bilities for developing thelayout and erection of a crusherplant.5-36.When you are developing a layoutof a plant, special attention mustbe given to creating a logicalflow of material.1.True2.False5-37.Which of the following materialscan contaminate open stockpilesof aggregate?1.Windblown sand2.Fines3.Trash4.All of the above5-38.When you are building stockpiles,which of the following pieces ofequipment is more efficientbecause it can combine lift withpush to build higher piles?1.Dozer2.Clamshell3.Loader4.Excavator5-39.Which of the following physicalcharacteristics should the siteselected for the erection of aplant have?1.Flat2.Level3.Well compacted4.All of the above5-40.When torquing bolts and nuts onthe plant, you do so by torquingthe bolt head.1.True2.False36
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