ASSIGNMENT 6Textbook Assignment:“Asphalt Plant Supervisor,” and “Well Drilling Superisor,” pages 8-11through 9-17.Learning Objective: (continued):Recognize the operations of anasphalt plant.6-1.Using tabledistributorfor asphalt1.Between2.Between3.Between4.Between8-1, what is thespraying temperatureemulsion SS-1h?50°F-140°F75°F-130°F110°F-160°F135°F-175°F6-2.Final metering of mineral fillerto a mix is accomplished throughwhat device?1.A variable speed vane2.A screw feeder3.A belt feeder4.One of the above, dependingon the material being handledLearning Objective: Recognizethe operational processes ofa batch asphalt plant.6-3.Which of the following units is adistinguishing feature of a batchasphalt plant?1.The cold aggregate feedunit2.The batching unit3.The dryer unit4.The dust collector unit6-4.From the hot bins, what sizeaggregates are deposited intothe weigh-hopper first?1.Coarse2.Intermediate3.Fine4.Mineral filler6-5.6-6.6-7.6-8.A pugmill’s “live zone” is the netvolume in cubic yards below a lineextending across the top arc ofthe inside body shell radius, withshafts, liners, paddles, and tipsdeducted.1.True2.FalseIn a batch asphalt plant, inwhat location do the aggregates,mineral filler, and asphalt getmixed together?1.Dryer2.Weigh-hopper3.Pugmill4.Asphalt weigh bucketIn what manual can the batchasphalt plant supervisor finddetails on the setup andadjustment of the automaticequipment?1.NAVFAC SupervisoryInstructions Manual2.COMSECOND/COMTHIRDNCBINSTEquipment Management Manual3.Manufacturer operator’s manual4.Alfa company operations manualLearning Objective: Recognizethe operational processes of acontinuous-flow asphalt plant.What factor must be known at alltimes in order to maintainconstant asphalt proportioning?1.The temperature of theaggregate2.The output temperatureof the dryer3.The temperature of the hotbins4.The temperature of the asphalt41
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