6-29.Normally, what field test is usedto differentiate between unknownbituminous materials?1.Heat-odor2.Volubility3.Water-mixing4.Penetration6-30.When you are performing thevolubility test, what materialwill form a stringy undissolvedmass?1.Asphalt2.Asphalt cement3.Emulsion4.Tar6-31.Asphalt cutbacks are fluidat room temperature.1.True2.False6-32.What grade of asphalt is indicatedby a field test in which the sharppoint of pencil penetrates theasphalt with difficulty?1.Hard2.Medium3.Soft4.Medium hardLearning Objective: Recognizeand compute estimates ofmaterials.6-33.What is the purpose of a primecoat?1.Waterproof the surface2.Plug capillary voids3.Coat and bond looseparticles4.All of the above6-34.If the ROA is not known, what ROAis used in the NCF for planningpurposes?1. .12. .23. .34. .46-35.6-36.6-37.6-38.6-39.How many gallons of prime coatis require for a project 2 mileslong, 12 feet wide, waste factorof 5 percent, and a ROA of 0.3gal/sq yd?1.4435.2 gal2.5174.4 gal3.6336gal4.7392galWhat happens when a tack coatis applied too heavily? into the surfacematerialThe overlying coarse willnot stick to the surfacecoarseIt will bleed into theoverlying coarseIt will cause the surfacecoarse to crumblethe purpose of planning, whatis the NCF ROA for a tack coat?1..102..153..204..25A total of how many drums of tackcoat material is required for aproject 500 feet long, 50 feetwide, waste factor of 5 percent,and a ROA of .15?1.8.25 drums2.11.79 drums3.43.74 drums4.82.54 drumsYou are tasked with a singlesurface treatment of a road20 miles long, 12 feet wide, anda waste factor of 10 percent. A100-square/yard test strip showedthat 2 tons of aggregate was used.What is the rate of application ofaggregate in pounds per sq/yd?1. 102. 203. 304. 4044
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