6-60.In the operation of the rotarydrilling rig, what factors worktogether to prevent the walls ofthe drill hole from collapsingwhen the cut material is washedto the surface by a mixture ofmud and water? filtering action ofthe coarse material inthe settling pitThe weight and viscosityand the plastering actionof the fluid on the wallof the well holeThe action of suspendedlocal mud in the fluid andthe additional weight of thefluid due to its content ofsuspended clayThe suspension of cuttingsin the settling pit and thespiraling of the fluid againstthe wall of the drill hole6-61.What is considered the normalquantity of water needed tosupport an 8 hour shift ofrotary well-drilling?1.100 to 500 gallons2.500 to 750 gallons3.750 to 1,000 gallons4.1,000 to 4,000 gallons6-62.What type of drill bit is used fordrilling through a moderately hardsurface formation with a rotaryrig?1.Pilot2.Roller3.Fishtail4.Three way6-63.After the well hole has beendrilled the length of the kelly,what accessory is placed to keepthe well from caving in from thesurface?1. Turntable2.Surface casing3.Drill collar4.Set of slips6-64.What depth is the top-head driverotary well-drilling rig capableof rotary drilling?1.900 feet2.1,000 feet3.1,250 feet4.1,500 feet6-65.On the ITWD, what is the purposeof the split centralizer?1.To break and make drillpipe connections2.To support the drillstring during handling3.To aid in setting casings4.All of the above6-66.What material is used to lubricatethe top-head spindle sub threads?1.Drilling lubricant2.Petroleum jelly3.Pipe dope4.Fish oil6-67.When performing down-hole-drillingoperations, how is the oil flowchecked? the oil patternon a piece of card board thatis placed under the spindleChecking the amount of oilon the cuttingsPlacing your hand under thehammer and inspecting theamount of oil dischargedDisconnecting the flushinghose and inspecting the amountof oil discharged from thehose47
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