6-40.Using question 6-39, what totalnumber of tons of aggregate isrequired for this task?1.1548.82.2323.23.3097.64.3872.26-41.Using equation 2, a total of howmany pounds per square inch woulda 4-inch asphalt mat equal?1.1462.1103.2204.4406-42.A total of how many tons ofasphalt is required for a parkinglot 120 feet long, 60 feet wide,2 inches thick, with 5 percentwaste factor?1. 332. 463. 924.3316-43.The required tonnage of hot-mixasphalt for a project is 300 tons.The screed of the paver is set at12 feet, and the depth of asphaltis 2 inches.Estimate the amountof asphalt that can be laid perhour?1.34.682.80.463.96.554.102.46-44.When using the horn signal system,what does two blasts of the hornmean?1.Stop2.Go forward3.Turn around4.Back up6-45.In which underground zone, if any,should a water well be developed?1.Plant zone2.Saturated3.Aeration4.None6-46.Which of the following beltsis NOT part of the zone ofaeration?1.Soil moisture2.Intermediate3.Saturation4.Capillary fringe6-47.What is the name of the watercontained in the zone of aeration?1.Subsurface water2.Ground water3.Soil water4.Surface water6-48.What formation is porous andpermeable and can yield usablequantities of water?1.Artesian2.Alluvial basin3.Aquifer4.Capillary fringe6-49.An artesian well is a source offresh water flowing freely froman aquifer in which the waterpressure exceeds atmosphericpressure.1.True2.False6-50.Which of the following rockformations is most likely toproduce water in usablequantities?1.Igneous2.Sedimentary3.Alluvial4.MetamorphicLearning Objective:Identifyfundamentals of developingsources of ground water.45
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