Learning Objective:Recognizedrilling difficulties and thedevelopment of a water well.6-68.One method of regaining a lossof circulation that takes placeduring well drilling is tocirculate the cuttings away fromthe drill bit with plenty ofwater.1.True2.False6-69.Undue wear of the drill pipe isan indication of a crooked drillhole.1.True2.False6-70.During a drilling operation, thedrill pipe may stick due to whichof the following causes?1.A mud pump of inadequatecapacity2.Allowing the drill pipe tostop and remain stationaryin the hole3.Mud balling up around thedrill collar and bit4.All of the above6-71.The drill pipe of your rotarywell-drilling rig becomes stuckwith drill cuttings that haveaccumulated in the hole.Howcan you remedy the situation?1.Pull upward on the pipewith jacks2.Circulate heavy mud whiletrying to turn the pipe3.Pour oil along the sidesof the pipe4.Pull upward on the pipe andcirculate clear water aroundit486-72.Which of the following is apractical use of a fishing tool?1.Recovery of a twisted-offdrill pipe2.Recovery of a wrench thatfalls into the drill hole3.Recovery of a drill pipe thatfalls into the drill hole4.Each of the above6-73.The setting of the casing andscreens is the first operationin developing a well after theborehole is drilled.1.True2.False6-74.Gravel packing is placing ungradedaggregate on the outside of thecasing to allow for more pro-duction and prevent fines fromentering the well pump.1.True2.False6-75.In completing a developed well,the space between the well walland casing is cemented to1.trap the drilling mudbelow the water table2.keep surface water orcontaminated water fromseeping into the aquifer3.prevent the drilling mudfrom solidifying4.All of the above
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