Learning Objective: Identifythe properties of bituminoussurfacing materials.6-20.What is/are the function(s) of theaggregates in a asphalt surface?1.Transmits the load from thesurface to the subgrade2.Absorbs the abrasive wearof the traffic3.Provides a nonskid surface4.All of the above6-21.Which of the following factorsis required to support the bearingaction on a bituminous wearingsurface?1.Larger aggregates placedin the mix design2.Subgrade and base coursemust have adequate thickness,strength, cohesion, andbearing capacity3.Upgrade the amount of asphaltin the mix4.Give the mix adequate curingtime6-22.Which of the following is abituminous surfacing material?1.Emulsion2.Tar3.Asphalt bitumen4.Each of the above6-23.A container of bituminous materiallabeled with the symbol AC indi-cates it contains which of thefollowing materials?1.Asphalt cutback2.Asphalt cement3.Asphalt emulsion4.Anionic-cationic asphalt6-24.When used with asphalt cement,which of the following distillatesallows for slow curing afterapplication to a roadway?1.Naphtha2.Kerosene3.Fuel oil4.Gasoline6-25.Which of the following viscositygrades of an MC asphalt bitumenis considered the most fluid?1.30 to 602.200 to 8003.800 to 1,0004.1,000 to 3,0006-26.When added to asphalt cement,which of the following producesan asphalt emulsion?1.Water only2.Soap only3.Water and soap4.Kerosene6-27.What road tar symbol designatesa hot tar?1.RT 12.RT 23.RT 54.RT 9Learning Objective: Recognizethe test for identifyingbituminous materials.6-28.Field identification of bituminousmaterials found stockpiled inunmarked containers is necessaryfor which of the followingreasons?1.To determine the type andmethod of construction thematerial can be used for2.To establish safe handlingpractices for the material3.To determine type and qualityof equipment needed4.All of the above43
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