6-9.6-10.6-11.6-12.6-13.What are the characteristics ofthe movement of materials withina continuous-flow plant pugmill?1They are confined in themixer chamber2.They are propelled towarddischarge3.They are continuously mixedin the mixer chamber4.They are continuously mixed,weighed, then dischargedWhat period of time beginswhen all the combined mineralaggregates are in the mixerand ends when the gate is open?1.The total mixing time2.The wet mixing time3.The dry mixing time4.The shortest mixing timeWhat period of time starts withthe asphalt application and endswith the opening of the dischargegates?1.The total mixing time2.The wet mixing time3.The dry mixing time4.The shortest mixing timeWhat environmental conditionmakes asphalt film harden onthe aggregates?1.Exposure to air2.Exposure to moisture3.Exposure to heat and air4.Exposure to moisture and airWhich of the following is NOTa part of the automatic controlsystem for a continuous-flowplant?1.Burner controls2.Mix discharge3.Dryer control4.Mixer and gradation cutoffsLearning Objective: Recognizethe operational processes ofa drum-mix asphalt plant.6-14.6-15.6-16.6-17.6-18.6-19.In a drum-mix plant, in whatlocation is aggregate mixedwith the asphalt?1.In the mix surge silo2.In the hot-mix conveyer3.In the dust collector4.In the dryerThe drum-mix plant gradationcontrol unit proportions allthe aggregate before it entersthe mixing drum.1.True2.FalseWhat factor is the basis fordetermining the quantity ofasphalt delivered into the drum?1.The weight of the aggregate2.The gradation of the aggregate3.The drum-mix outputrequirement4.The speed of the in-line beltfeederWhat section in a drum-mixerheats and dries the aggregate?1.Primary2.Intermediate3.Secondary4.ThirdWhat condition creates an oilycoating on the aggregateparticles?1.Aggregate not heated2.An unbalanced distributionof asphalt3.A lack of balance in theburner operation4.Drum-mixer speed is too slowThe drum-mix plant produces abatch-flow of asphalt that canbe temporarily stored in the surgesilo.1.True2.False42
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