5-41.Of the following basic setups fora 75-tph crushing plant, which oneshould be used when the bulk ofmaterial from a gravel deposit is3 inches in diameter or less?1.Jaw crusher2.Primary unit only3.Secondary unit only4.Primary and secondary unitstogether5-42.The entire quarry and rockproduction operation dependson improper and inadequatemaintenance of equipment.1.True2.FalseLearning Objective: Recognizethe properties of and uses forvarious types of cement that aconcrete batch plant supervisorworks with.5-43.The chemical reaction betweencement and water that producesconcrete is known by what term?1.Concrete2.Hydraulics3.Hydration4.Evaporation5-44.What type of cement requiresless protection from freezingand attains normal 3-day strengthin 1 day?1. I2. II3.III4. IV5-45.Aggregates used in concrete occupywhat percentage of the mix byweight?1.Between 90% to 95%2.Between 70% to 85%3.Between 60% to 75%5-46.Stockpiles for concrete aggregates5-47.5-48.5-49.5-50.should be built up in a coneshape.1.True2.FalseWhat condition results if theslope inside an overhead chargingbin is less than 50 degrees?1.Aggregates dischargetoo quickly2.The bottom aggregatesabsorb too much water3.Aggregates segregate whendischarged4.Aggregates combine too thicklyWhat is the primary function ofthe water used in a concrete mix?1.It wets the aggregates sothe cement will bind2.It starts the hardeningprocess (hydration) of thecement3.It makes the mix workable4.It prevents the cement fromcuring too fastWhen an air-entraining agent isused at a site, it is added towhat element of a cement mix?1.The aggregate for the mix2.The concrete granules forthe mix3.The water to be used in themix4.The cement to be used in themixWhich of the following materialscan be used to retard the set ofa concrete mix?1.Borax2.Sugar3.Salt4.Each of the above4.Between 50% to 55%37
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