5-51.A total of how many cubic yardsof concrete is required for a pad60 feet in length, by 30 feet inwidth, with a depth of 4 inchesand a waste factor of 10 percent? by volume providesgreater accuracy and avoidsproblems created by the bulkingof damp sand.1.True2.False5-53.When mixing concrete in a transitmixer, what is the maximum numberof revolutions of the drum atmixing speed that you should use?1. 602. 703. 904.1005-54.What is the minimum agitatingspeed on a transit mixer?1.1 revolution per minute2.2 revolutions per minute3.3 revolutions per minute4.4 revolutions per minute5-55.Concrete that is kept agitated cangenerally be placed within whatmaximum time period after mixing?1.3 1/2 hours2.2 1/2 hours3.1 1/2 hours4.1/2 hour5-56.On a mobile concrete mixer plant,the sand and aggregate areaccurately proportioned accordingto what measurement(s)1.By cubic feet of material only2.By cubic yards of materialonly3.By weight or by cubic feet4.By weight or by volume5-57.You are conducting a slump test.Which of the following resultsindicate a poor mix?1.The concrete mix crumbles2.The concrete mix segregates3.The concrete mix falls apart4.Each of the above5-58.When working around cement, youshould pay particular attentionto any rash on your skin becausea rash may indicate cementpoisoning.1.True2.FalseLearning Objective: Describe theoperations of an asphalt plant.5-59.On a batch plant, the size ofa batch varies according to thecapacity of what component?1.The hopper2.The dryer3.The pugmill4.The screens5-60.The proper amount of aggregatesfor asphalt mixes is initiallycontrolled by a uniform flow ofthe aggregate through whatcomponent?1.Cold-feed adjustment2.Hot-feed adjustment3.Cold-bin capacity4.Hot-bin capacity5-61.The overloading of the screenswith aggregate underscores a needfor control of what factor?1.Proper dryer control2.Proper weigh-hoppercalibration3.Proper cold feeding4.Proper gradation controlcalibration38
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