5-10.5-11.5-12.5-13.5-14.Which of the following factorsaffect the compaction of soil?1.Material gradation2.Moisture content3.Compaction effort4.All of the aboveOptimum moisture content isthe amount of water in the soilrequired to obtain maximumdensity.1.True2.FalseLearning Objective: Recognizesite preparation procedures andthe operational processes of apit or quarry.What should you check beforeburning brush on a proposed pitor quarry site?1.Weather2.Type of fire extinguisher3.Requirement for a smoke permit4.Requirement for a burn permitOverburden should be kept clearedat least how far back from the topof the face of a quarry?1.50 feet2.40 feet3.25 feet4.10 feetWhat is the maximum grade fora haul road designed for use bytruck operations1.5 percent2.10 percent3.15 percent4.20 percentin a quarry?5-15.5-16.5-17.5-18.5-19.5-20.A chute loading ramp should beconstructed to support a minimumof how many tons of material?1.5 tons2.10 tons3.15 tons4.20 tonsWhen a pusher-assisted scrapercannot load within 150 feet, youshould use what equipment?1.An additional scraper2.An extra pusher3.A ripper tractor4.A front-end loaderWhich of the following quarriesis a type commonly used by themilitary?1.Double bench2.Open faced3.Triple bench4.Closed facedWhat factor determines the layoutof a quarry where the rockformation is jointed?1.The method of development2.The depth of overburden3.The direction of rockformation4.The lay of the strataIn the NCF, what is therecommended bench heightin a quarry?1.10 feet2.15 feet3.20 feet4.25 feetIn the NCF, what is therecommended minimum widthof a bench?1.40 feet2.50 feet3.60 feet4.70 feet34
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