1-63.1-64.1-65.1-66.1-67.1-68.On the PM date, what form is pulledfrom a file to perform an inventoryof mounted or stored collateralequipage for each USN numbered CESEentering the shop?1.CB 402.CB 503.CB 604.CB 70What person signs the CB 60 formto assume custody of mountedcollateral gear on Class C assignedCESE?1.The transportation supervisor2.The yard boss3.The collateral equipagecustodian4.The dispatcherAttachments are accessories toautomotive equipment that enablethe basic equipment to functioncorrectly or to add versatility.1.True2.FalseStored attachment accessories aremaintained by what number series?1.NAVSUP number2.Equipment code3.USN number4.API numberThe segregated storage of allattachments and their associatedaccessories is the responsibilityof what person?1.The transportation supervisor2.The dispatcher3.The yard boss4.The attachment custodianWhich of the following designatorsis NOT reflected on the AttachmentStatus Board?1.The attachment code2.The equipment code3.The NAVFAC I.D. number4.Attachment descriptionLearning Objective: Identifythe responsibilities of personnelassigned to conduct fueloperations.1-69.A poorly managed fuel programresults in needless downtime ofequipment and delays in production.1.True2.False1-70.What should the fuel truck driverreview to determine the locationof all CESE?1.The attachment status board2.The equipment status board3.The hard card log book4.The equipment status log book1-71.Records of fuel issues aremaintained by which of thefollowing personnel?1.The field maintenancecrew2.The yard boss3.The fuel truck driver4.The dispatcher1-72.The fuel truck driver maintainsthe fuel truck by the standardsoutlined in which of the followingCOMSECOND/COMTHIRDNCB instructions?1.4400.3 series2.11200.11 series3.11200.1 series4.5600.1 series1-73.Lettering for the words NO SMOKINGis marked on the fuel tanker inwhat size and color?1.6-inch black lettering2.6-inch yellow lettering3.3-inch black lettering4.3-inch yellow lettering7
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