Figure 1-26B.—Equipment Evaluation Inspection Guide (Back)—Continued.CESE inspections 2 or 3 days before the plannedBEEP completion date, ensuring that all CESE isprocessed through the mechanic shop.Mechanic inspectors conduct BEEPinspections using the Equipment EvaluationInspection Guide. A safety inspection EquipmentRepair Order (ERO) is developed for all CESEassigned. Any discrepancies listed on the evaluationguide is transferred to an ERO for repairs. Maintenancesupervisors determine what repairs can be accomplishedbased on the work force, space, and repair partsavailable. Additionally, they inspect all maintenancerecords, review and account for all maintenancecorrespondence, and inventory and inspect allpermanent Alfa company shop equipment. Themaintenance supervisors review all the EquipmentEvaluation Inspection Guides and approve allEquipment Condition Codes (fig. 1-28) for each CESE.After the final inspections of all CESE, themechanics place NMCB unit identification markingdecals (red-diamond shape for organic equipment andwhite-diamond shape for augment allowanceequipment) in the correct locations. The dispatchersigns Block 77 of the EROs for customer approval ofall CESE “BEEPed.”COMSECOND or COMTHIRD equipo reviewsand approves all BEEP equipment evaluation guidesand EROs. At the completion of all Alfa companyinspections, the relieving equipment officer signs theTAB A as acceptance of the equipment for therelieving battalion.LICENSE PROGRAMA properly administered license program ensuresonly thoroughly trained personnel who are physically1-35
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