CESE is placed in live stortigc when there is noplanned need for it for a period covering two PMcycles or 80 working days. CESE eligible for livestorage must have an equipment evaluation code ofA5 or above. All cranes are maintained in an activestatus and are under the control of the crane crew. Tobalance CESE through mileage or hours utilization,you should review low-mileage stored CESE forpossible rotation with high-mileage active CESE withlike equipment codes (EC).All Equipment Status Boards must denote CESEthat is assigned to live storage. The CESE in livestorage is not for replacement of vehicles that are inthe shop for PM or repairs. Live storage proceduresare outlined in the Naval Construction ForceEquipment Management Manual, NAVFAC P-404,the Live Storage of CESE, C O M S E C O N D/COMTHIRDNCBINST 11200.9 series, and theMaintenance of Active CESE at MainbodyDeployment Sites, COMSECOND/COMTHIRD-NCBINST 11200.22 Series.STORAGE OF PETROLEUM PRODUCTSBulk petroleum products are stored, inventoried,and issued by the battilion supply department, andfuel products are stored in the Alfa company yard.The maintenance supervisor maintains enough oil andlubricate supply in the mechanic’s shop to performmaintenance operations.The transportation supervisor is responsible forthe storage of petroleum products used in thetransportation pool.Storing petroleum productsincludes taking steps to prevent fires, watercontamination, and ground pollution. Guidelines forstorage and issue of flammable and combustibleliquids are found in the U.S. Army Corps ofEngineers, Safety and Health Requirements Manual,EM385-1-1.EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION ANDDISPOSITIONEquipment acquisition and disposition proceduresfor public works units are found in NAVFAC P-300.Second and Third NCB equipo offices notifybattalions of equipment acquisition or equipmentdisposition instructions by message traffic. Theprocedures are found in the COMSECOND/COMTHIRDNCBINST 11200.1 Series. CivilEngineer Support Office (CESO) handles theacquisition and disposition of CESE for specialoperation units (SOUs).BEEPThe purpose of the Battalion EquipmentEvaluation Program (BEEP) is to use the fullexpertise and efforts of the two equipment forces toprovide the relieving battalion the best possibleturnover of Alfa company operations. Additionally,pass on all special knowledge of CESE maintenance,operation techniques, and provide a realistic in-depthcondition evaluation of CESE allowance, facilities,tools, and materials.The maintenance supervisor provides thetransportation supervisor the scheduled CESE list forthe BEEP. COMSECOND/COMTHIRDNCBINST11200.1 Series recommends that CESE scheduling beaccomplished by PM groups, with the appropriatenumber of groups scheduled each day to complete theBEEP within 10 working days. The 10 working dayscovers the cleaning, inspection, hands-on work, andfinal inspection of all CESE, and turnover ofcollateral equipage, tool kits, and other Alfacompany-related areas.BEEP preparation occurs the same time thebattalion is preparing for the turnover of the SeabeeCamp and construction projects. The equipment poolmust have enough CESE cleaned and staged beforecommencement of the BEEP to ensure full use of allmechanics for 2 complete workdays. This requires aCESE assignment adjustment and the dispatching ofCESE on a priority basis.The Alfa company operation and maintenancesupervisors generate a BEEP assignment list usingthe guidelines found in the COMSECONDCOM-THIRDNCBINST 11200.1 Series. Additionally, youneed to develop a wash, grease, and CESE inspectioncrew to support the preparation of the CESE. Theoperator’s maintenance performed at these stationsprovides expeditious flow of CESE as it goes throughthe mechanic shop.Second and Third NCB equipo officerepresentatives conduct a counterparts meeting beforethe commencement of the BEEP to set the proceduresand guidelines for the BEEP. The representativesprovide technical assistance and hold acomprehensive inspection on the overall effectivenessof the relieved battalion’s equipment managementprogram.Additionally, they conduct a randominventory of repair parts stock to determine theaccuracy of the existing inventory, conduct a critiqueupon the completion of the BEEP, and prepare andsubmit a BEEP completion report (fig. 1-24) toSecond and Third NCB with copies to appropriateinformation addressees.1-30
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