ASSIGNMENTTextbook Assignment:“Earthwork Operations,” and15–37 through 16–44.12“Paving Operations and Equipment,” pagesLearning Objective:Recognizethe techniques of earthworkoperations.12–1.Which of the following is NOT afactor when determining themethods of earthwork operationsrequired for a project?1.The acreage to be cleared2.The availability of waterto achieve optimum moisturecontent3.The type and density ofvegetation4.The expected weatherconditions12-2.Equipment production rates areobtained from which of thefollowing NAVFAC publications?1.P-3002.P-3063.P–4044.P-40512-3.What term is used to describea construction operation thatconsists of cleaning a designatedarea of trees, timber, brush, andrubbish?1.Clearing2.Grubbing3.Stripping4.Grading12–4.What term is used to describea construction operation thatconsists of removing and disposingof objectionable topsoil and sod?1.Clearing2.Grubbing3.Stripping4.Grading12-5.What factor(s) must be consideredwhen designing and building aroad?1.Type of drainage2.Type of soil3.Amount of clearing andgrubbing4.All of the above12-6.Optimum moisture content must bemaintained when compacting liftsof base course materials.1.True2.FalseLearning Objective:Recognizethe principles of pavementconstruction.12-7.What was the primary reasonfor the rapid growth in theconstruction of asphalt roadsurfaces in the late 1800s?1.The need for large airportrunways2.The cost of asphalt wascheaper than concrete3.The emerging automotiveindustry4.Asphalt was the only meansavailable for hard-surfacepaving12-8.A pavement is only as good asthe materials and workmanshipthat goes into it.1.True2.False88
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