12–44.When performing single–surfacetreatment operations, you shouldensure aggregates cover thebituminous material within howmany minutes after spraying?11 minute2.10 minutes3.30 minutes4.60 minutes12-45.To compute the amount of aggregateper square yard required for asingle-surface treatment, you usewhat rule of thumb?1.10 to 15 pounds persquare yard2.15 to 25 pounds persquare yard3.25 to 30 pounds persquare yard4.30 to 35 pounds persquare yard12–46.What size of aggregate is used onthe second layer of a multiple-surface treatment?1.1/2 the size of theprevious layer2.3/4 the size of theprevious layer3.1 1/2 the size of theprevious layer4.1 3/4 the size of theprevious layerLearning Objective:Recognizethe principles and componentsof paving equipment.12-47.Of the following disadvantages,which is associated with the useof a tailgate spreader?1.The truck must be operatedin reverse2.A reduction in steeringcontrol of the truck3.A reduction in the operationalspeed of the truck4.All of the above12-48.Which of the following componentsis NOT part of an asphaltdistributor unit?1.Insulated storage and heatingtank2.Open-flame heating systemand asphalt pump3.Low-pressure air blowerand circulating and sprayingsystem4.Twin-shaft pugmill thatthoroughly mixes the material12-49.Asphalt heating operations can beperformed while the distributortruck is traveling to the jobsite.1.True2.False12-50.When spraying bitumen with adistributor truck, the applicationrate is controlled by the lengthof the spray bar, the pump output,and what other factor?1.Amount of material carried2.Existing ground material3.Forward speed of thedistributor truck4.Amount of turns on themain control valve12-51.When operating a distributortruck, the spray bar should be sethigh enough for the road surfaceto receive triple coverage.However, under heavy windconditions or depending on thenozzle spacing, it may benecessary to lower the spray barmore to ensure the surfacereceives which of the followingcoverages?1.Single2.Double3.Triple4.Half12-52.When heating bitumen in adistributor truck, you should NOTuse which of the following fuels?1.Kerosene2.Fuel oil3.Diesel4.Gasoline93
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