Learning Objective:Recognizethe principles of asphaltfinishers (pavers).12–61.The primary job of an asphaltpaver is receiving and spreadingasphalt in a predetermined uniformlength, width, thickness, andshape.1.True2.False12-62.Hot-mix asphalt that is dumped inthe hopper is transported to thedistributing augers in what way?1.It is carried by the vibratingscreed2.It is pushed by the tamper bar3.It is pushed by the bevel endplates4.It is carried by the feedconveyor12–63.During paver operations, which ofthe following conditions can causeunnecessary movement of the paverthat is transmitted to the screedand results in an uneven pavementsurface?1.Low tire pressure or loosecrawler tracks2.The screed is too hot3.The vibratory unit is notset properly4.Oversteering by the operator12-64.A paver engine is not workingproperly and a power lag occursthat causes a temporary failure ofthe vibrators or tamping bars inthe screed unit.What conditionresults from this failure?1.A stretch of pavement thatis less dense or containsslightly less material2.A stretch of pavement thathas more material3.The fines in the asphaltmix separate4.The asphalt mat is higherin that area after it isrolled12–65.During operations, the speed ofthe conveyor and the opening ofthe control gates at the back ofthe hopper of the paver should beadjusted to allow just enoughmixture to be delivered to theaugers so they are operating whatminimum percentage of the time?1.65%2.75%3.85%4.95%12-66.What component of the asphaltpaver irons the asphalt mixturesurface, leaving the hot matthickness at a depth that conformswith job specifications?1.The screed2.The tamper3.The conveyor4.The hopper12-67.Tamping bars and vibratorymechanisms are designed to performwhich of the following functions?1.Strike off and heat theasphalt2.Strike off and adjust theamount of asphalt3.Strike off and compact theasphalt4.Strike off and roll theasphalt12-68.What condition results if thetamping bar travels too fardownward below the screed plateon a tamping bar type of screed?1.The hot-mix builds asphaltupon the screed face and thiscondition tends to scuff thesurface of the mat2.The hot-mix asphalt decreasesin thickness and the surfacepits3.Overcompaction occursresulting in too thin of a mat4.The tamper over compacts,crushing the aggregate andcausing the mat to break apart95
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