12-53.Before the burners are lit on adistributor truck, the flues mustbe covered by a total of how manyinches of material?1.3 inches2.6 inches3.9 inches4.12 inches12–54.Which of the following actionsshould you take to prevent thedistributor pump and circulationsystem from clogging up because ofbitumen setting up and hardeningin the system?1.When used, you should flushout the pump and circulatingsystem at the end of the day2.Flush out the pump andcirculating system at leastonce a week3.Wash the outside of the pumpwith solvent weekly4.Circulate bitumen through thepump daily12–55.What is the storage capacity ofan asphalt kettle?1.15 gallons2.50 gallons3.100 gallons4.165 gallons12–56.Which of the following conditionscan develop if emulsified asphaltis left in a distributor truck forany great length of time?1.The emulsified asphalt canbecome highly flammable2.The emulsified asphalt willseparate and set in much lesstime than cutbacks3.The emulsified asphalt willexpand and damage the tank4.The emulsified asphalt willevaporate resulting in theloss of material12–57.To prevent sticking, you must takewhat action to prepare the bed ofa dump truck before loading hot–mix asphalt into it?1.Spray the bed with water2.Lay a light coat of sandin the bed3.Coat the bed with a releaseagent (lubricant)4.Lay a plastic covering inthe bed12–58.Which of the following factorsshould be considered when planningthe number of trucks required foran asphalt plant?1.The mix production rateof the plant2.The length of the haul3.The type of trafficencountered4.All of the above12-59.An end–dump truck must beinspected to ensure the rear ofthe dump bed overhangs the rearwheels enough to discharge thehot-mix asphalt into the paverhopper.If the dump bed doesnot, what action should you take?1.Do not use the truck2.Shovel the material byhand into the hopper3.Add an apron with sideplates to increase theoverhang of the dump bed4.Raise the dump bed onlyhalfway12-60.When positioning a dump truck todump a hot-mix asphalt into apaver, you must ensure the truckis squarely against the paver andthe truck tires are in whatposition in relation to the rollerbar on the paver?1.A few inches away2.Squarely against the roller3.At least 1 foot away4.Bumped against the roller bar94
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