12-18.What functions does a prime coatof bituminous material serve?1.The prime coat penetrates thebase course about 2 inches,fills most of the voids, andpromotes adhesion between thebase and previous bituminousapplications2.The prime coat penetrates thebase course about 1/4 inch,fills most of the voids,promotes adhesion between thebase and bituminousapplications placed on top ofit, and waterproofs the base3.The prime coat waterproofs thewearing surface and controlsdust and loose aggregates4.The prime coat increasescompaction and binds theaggregates and fines together12–19.An underprimed area can becorrected by performing whichof the following operations?1.Applying twice the amountof prime material2.Applying a layer of sand,then repriming over it3.Applying twice the thicknessof asphalt over theunderpriced area4.Applying a second coatingof the prime material12–20.What is an indication that thebase course is overpriced?1.A free film of prime materialremains on the base after a45–hour curing period2.The area looks dry and darkafter a 24–hour curing period3.A free film of prime materialremains on the base after an8–hour curing period4.The area looks and feels dampafter a 12–hour curing period12-21.A tack coat is an applicationof asphalt to an existing pavedsurface that provides a bondbetween which of the followingsurfaces?1.The subsurface and subgradesurface2.The finish surface and thesubgrade surface3.The existing surface and theasphalt material to be placedon it4.The subsurface and the basesurface course12–22.An area that has an excess of tackcoat material can be corrected bytaking which of the followingactions?1.Apply heat until the excessbitumen drys2.Spread clean, dry sand onthe area3.Skip over the area and paveit last4.Dig up the area and replacethe materialLearning Objective:Recognizethe types of asphalt pavementconstruction.12-23.What is the major differencebetween plant-mix constructionasphalt and mix–in–placeconstruction asphalt?1.The type of asphalt andaggregate used in plant-mixconstruction is much heavierand stronger than that usedin mix–in–place constructionasphalt2.Plant-mix construction asphaltrequires a different rollingtechnique3.Plant-mix construction asphaltis prepared in a centralmixing plant4.Plant-mix construction asphaltrequires a different curingtime90
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