5-10.5-11.5–12.5-13.5-14.Learning Objective:Recognizethe responsibilities of the fueltruck driver and the componentsand functions of fuel-handlingvehicles.In an NMCB, which of the followingpersonnel manage the fueloperations?1.Maintenance supervisor2.Master–at–arms force supervisor3.Crane crew supervisor4.Transportation supervisorA poorly managed fuel programresults in needless downtimeof equipment.1.True2.FalseWhat manual containsfor maintaining fireon the tanker (fuel)1.NAVFAC P-4052.EM 385–1-13.NAVFAC P-4044.NAVFAC P-315the guidelinesextinguisherstruck?Which of the following charac-teristics are descriptive offuel-handling vehicles?1.Model2.Size3.Capacity4.All of the aboveOn a tank truck, what is/arethe primary function(s) of thefilter/separator?1.To collect solid contaminantsonly2. To separate the water fromthe fuel only3.To collect solid contaminantsand separate the water fromthe fuel4.To ensure fuel is pumped atits maximum pressure and isclean5-15.What condition results when wateror solid contaminants exceed a safelevel on a tank truck?1.The go no-go fuses shutsoff the fuel flow2.The go no-go fuses shutsoff the engine pump3.The fuel filter does notfunction properly4.The fuel line clogs and thefuel filters are damaged5-16.Allowing the engine to run withthe transmission engaged and thetransfer case shift lever inneutral, without the PTO engaged,causes bearing failure in thetransfer case.1.True2.False5-17.Smoking is NOT allowed closer thanwhat distance from a fuel truck?1.20 feet2.30 feet3.40 feet4.50 feetLearning Objective:Recognizethe responsibilities and regu-lations for performing the dutiesof both bus and taxi driver.5-18.Besides performing the normalprestart inspections, which ofthe following components musta bus driver ensure is in goodworking order?1.Service brakes2.Tires and horn3.Rearview mirror and mirrors4.All of the above5-19.What regulation governs theemergency reflectors and fireextinguisher requirements fora bus?1.NAVFAC P-4052.ORS-7A3.TA-014.MAC 50-1333
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