5-20.Which of the following personnelhas the responsibility for theorderly behavior and safety of allpassengers while on board a bus?1.The highway patrol2.The bus attendant3.The master-at-arms4.The bus driver5-21.What is the term used to describethe 2-inch line on the floor of abus which indicates an area whereriders can NOT stand?1.Stand back line2.Standee line3.Keep out line4.Driver’s area line5-22.A bus should stop between 15 and50 feet before a railroad crossing.1.True2.false5-23.Explosive and flammable materialis allowed to be transported ina vehicle carrying passengers1.True2.False5-24.Which of the following is NOT aprohibited practice when trans-porting personnel on a bus?1.Fueling with passengers onboard under normal conditions2.Engaging in distractingactivities while driving3.Pushing or towing the buswith passengers under normalconditions4.Communicating with thedispatcher on a CB radio5-25.What location normally serves asthe base station for taxi service?1.The quarterdeck2.The chief’s mess3.The dispatch office4.The camp club5–26.Since a taxi is normally smallerthan a bus or cargo truck, thetaxi driver does NOT have to adhereto the same rules set forth for busand cargo truck drivers whenhauling personnel?1.True2.FalseLearning Objective:Recognizethe principles and techniquesused when using time cards.5-27.In an NMCB, time cards are a laboraccounting system used to recordwhat type of data?1.Man-days2.Hourly wage3.Manpower4.Workdays5–28.What type of labor directly orindirectly contributes to theaccomplishment of the missionof a unit?1.Overhead2.Productive3.Manual4.Physical5–29.Man–days expended to supportconstruction operations, butdoes NOT produce an end productis what type of labor?1.Manual2.Direct3.Indirect4.Supervisory5–30.What type of labor does NOT contri–bute directly or indirectly to theend product?1.Non–productive2. Overhead3.Supervisory4.Incidental34
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