5-31.In an NMCB, what department hasthe responsibility of tabulatingall of the daily labor distri-bution reports?1.Medical2.Training3.Operations4.ConstructionLearning Objective:Recognizethe principles and responsi-bilities of embarkation.5-32.Which of the following units areNOT required to maintain a highstate of readiness?1.NMCB2. PW3.PHIBCB4.CBU5-33.Detailed procedures for embarkationare outlined in which of thefollowing COMSECOND/COMTHIRDNCBinstructions?1.11200.12.4400.33.3120.14.5600.15-34.What does the acronym MOCC mean?1.Materials operations controlcenter2.Mobile outfitted constructioncorp3.Main operation communicationscontrol4.Mount-out control center5-35.The MOCC is under the directionof what officer?1.Operations2.Executive3.Equipment4.Supply5-36.The MOCC and what other staffcontrols all aspects of an NMCBmount-out?1.Embarkation2.Security3.Medical4.Supply5-37.In an NMCB, what company isresponsible for the preparationof all CESE?1.Alfa2.Bravo3.Charlie4.Delta5-38.Procedures for loading CESE onaircraft are outlined in which ofthe following COMSECOND/COMTHIRDNCBinstructions?1.11200.12.5100.13.3120.14.5600.15-39.When mobile-loaded items aresecured to a vehicle by rope,the rope must be what minimum size?1.One-fourth inch2.One–half inch3.Three–fourths inch4.Five–eighths inch5–40.What is the maximum amount of fuelthe fuel tank on a vehicle cancontain if it is to be placed onthe ramp of an aircraft?1.One-fourth full2.One-half full3.Three-fourths full4.Topped-off5-41.Which of the following personnelnotifies the MOCC that a piece ofCESE is ready for the weighing andmarking station?1.The yard boss2. The washrack custodian3.The dispatcher4.The maintenance supervisor35
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