CHAPTER 6TRANSPORTATION OPERATIONSTransportation operations consist of the control andaccountability of all Civil Engineer Support Equipment(CESE); the hauling of personnel, equipment, materials,and construction supplies; the storage and delivery ofpetroleum products; the storage and accountability ofcollateral equipment and attachments; the support ofconstruction projects; and the support of themaintenance program by cycling, washing, greasing,and processing CESE through the mechanic shops. Thischapter presents the basic information required for youto perform your duties effectively when assigned tosupport the operations of a transportation pool.ADMINISTRATIONThe Navy has invested millions of dollars inequipment, equipment repair parts, lubricants, andtraining that allows the Seabees to perform assignedtasking. Having the basic knowledge of the procedures,reports, and forms used in the management of thetransportation pool or department is part of yourresponsibility as an Equipment Operator.LICENSENavy policy, according to the Management ofTransportation Equipment, NAVFAC P-300, is toensure that all military personnel, civilian employees,and contractor personnel operating vehicles andequipment on a naval installation are qualified andproperly licensed. Navy policy accepts, without furthertesting and examination, a valid operator’s licenseissued by a state or jurisdiction as proof the applicanthas achieved the proficiency level required to operategovernment vehicles up to 10,000 pounds gross vehicleweight (GVW).According to the Equipment Management Manual,NAVFAC P-404, all personnel in the NCF and specialoperatingunits( S O U s ) w h o o p e r a tegovernment-owned or rented equipment must bequalified and have a valid U.S. Government Operator’sLicense in their possession. This license must cover thesize and type of vehicle to be operated. A GovernmentOperator’s License is not an authorization for anoperator to use a piece of equipment. The properauthorization is a valid trip ticket.APPLICATION FORMSTo obtain an operator’s license, you must submit anapplication form to the license examiner. The properform to, use in applying for an automotive ormaterial-handling equipment (MHE) license is anApplication for Vehicle Operator’s Identification Card,NAVFAC 11240/10 (figs. 6-1A and 6-1B). The formused to apply for a license for other type of equipmentis the Application for Construction Equipment OperatorLicense, NAVFAC 11260/1 (figs. 6-2A and 6-2B).These forms provide information pertinent toapplying for and issuing or denying licenses toapplicants. The type of license being requested must beshown in part 1 of the application forms. All applicantforms are completed by the applicant and are signed bythe company commander or the company chief. Thelicense examiner maintains the NAVFAC 11240/10,NAVFAC 11260/1, and the Standard Form 47 in a filefor each person who possesses a license.STANDARD FORM 47The Standard Form 47 (fig. 6-3) is the PhysicalFitness Inquiry for Motor Vehicle Operators. As anoperator, you must have no physical defects oremotional instability that make you a hazard toyourself and others. The license examiner will reviewand evaluate this form, plus any other availableinformation regarding your physical condition anddetermine if a physical examination is required.Physical examinations are performed by the MedicalDepartment.LICENSE TESTPart of the process for receiving a license is to takea written test administered by the license examiner.These tests are based on traffic laws and regulations,accident reporting procedures, operator’s maintenanceresponsibilities, safe driving practices, and thecharacteristics and limitations of the types of equipmentfor which the test is being given. If you needinformation particular to a piece of equipment, you canobtain the operator’s manual located in the technical6-1
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