examiner reviews and evaluates this form and otheravailable information regarding the physicalcondition of the applicant and determines if a physicalexamination is required.Operators must have nophysical defects or emotional instability that renderthem a hazard to themselves or others. The medicaldepartment conducts all physical examinations ofapplicants referred by the licensing examiner, and theresults arc recorded in the appropriate portion of theapplication form.The SF-47 is retained in theapplicant file and replaced with a new one each timethe license is renewed or upon request of the licenseexaminer.Physical examinations are required foropertators assigned to transport explosives.LICENSE TESTApplicants must pass a written examinationbefore taking the performance qualification tests.The written test is based on traffic laws andregulations, accident reporting procedures, operator’smaintenance responsibilities, safe driving practices,and the characteristics and limitations of the types ofequipment for which the test is being given.information particular to a piece of equipment isobtained from the operator's manual located in theTechnical Library.Written examination questions are prepared bythe license examiner and are approved by theequipment officer and at least two written tests shouldbe developed for each type of equipment. Writtenexaminations, blank license, and answer sheets arestored in a secure location under lock and key.Numerous sample written tests for construction andweight-handling equipment are contained in theTesting and Licensing of Construction EquipmentOperators, NAVFAC P-306. Applicants should studythe operator’s manual when preparing for written andperformance examinations.Examinations and tests for military personnelapplying for a license to operate general-purposevehicles up to 10,000 pounds GVW is normallywaived if the applicant possesses a valid stateoperator’s license for the type vehicle involved.Performance Qualification TestsAll performance qualification tests (excludingcranes) must be given by the license examiner. Allapplicants who pass the written test must successfullypass an operational performance or road test and per-form pre and post operational operator maintenance,as outlined in the operator’s manual. The per-formance qualification test enables a qualifiedexaminer to evaluate the operating skills of eachapplicant.The examiner must terminate anyperformance test that becomes hazardous or when anapplicant demonstrates a lack of skill, unduenervousness, speeding, inattentiveness, or otherunfavorable actions. Personnel failing to qualify for alicense should not be reexamined until after furthertraining or instruction. The specific reason for failureis noted on the application and filed in the license fileof the applicant.Automotive TestsApplicants for an OF-346 must pass a locallycreated driver skill test before being given a road testto determine their reactions under varying trafficconditions. The road test is administered in thelargest capacity vehicle for which the license is to beissued. A locally devised checklist that reflects therequirements for the local conditions is used for theevaluation.Materials-Handling Equipment TestsApplicants for the materials-handling equipment(MHE) license are operationally tested and scored asprescribed in Storage and Materials Handling,DODINST 4145.19-R-1. This publication containssample MHE test questions.Construction Equipment TestsApplicants for a NAVFAC 11260/2 license mustbe familiar with the standard Navy hand signalsbefore taking a performance qualification test. Awide variety of construction and weight-handlingequipment is used by the Navy. For this reason,standard Navy-wide performance qualification testsare not practical; therefore, the local examiner mustprepare such operational tests as required. Numeroussamples of operational tests are contained in theNAVFAC P-306.LICENSE FORMSAfter an applicant satisfactorily completes all therequired tests, the examiner issues a license that listseach type of vehicle the license holder is authorized tooperate. Any restrictions imposed on the license arealso listed.1-44
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