CHAPTER 2AIR DETACHMENT EQUIPMENT SUPERVISORAn air detachment (air det), as stated in the U.S. NavalMobile Construction Battalion (NMCB) Doctrine andPolicy Governing, OPNAVINST 5450.46, is part of aNaval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB)organization and is capable of deploying within 48 hours ofnotification. The mission of an air det is to providecontingency support for the Navy, Marine Corps, and otherforces, and perform and participate in disaster recoveryoperations and field exercises (FEX). An air det hasapproximately 90 personnel assigned and contains airliftsupplies, tools, and civil engineer support equipment(CESE) that can be airlifted to perform both horizontal andvertical construction. An air det must be self-sufficient for30 days (600 construction hours) in all aspects, except thatammunition, rations, and POL are limited. When providedlogistic support, an air det can operate independently of anNMCB for an indefinite period.AIR DETACHMENT EQUIPMENTSUPERVISOR RESPONSIBILITIESThe type and amount of CESE embarked with an airdet depends on the construction tasking and duration ofthe assigned mission. The officer in charge (OIC) of anair det is the equipment officer for the CESE assigned tothe det; however, the daily management of CESE is theresponsibility of the senior Alfa company rating assignedto the air det. This chapter presents the basic informationrequired for you to perform your duties effectively whenresigned as the air detachment equipment supervisor.CREW ASSIGNMENTSPersonnel are assigned to the air det by theBattalion Operations Department, using the basicguidelines provided in the Naval Construction ForceEmbarkation Manual, COMSECOND/COM-THIRDNCBINST 3120.1 series.The ratings andnumber of personnel assigned to the air det aregoverned by the tasking of the mission.The air det is organized into three platoons: anequipment platoon, a support platoon, and aconstruction (Builder) platoon.The equipment platoon supervisor organizes theplatoon and assigns military and job-relatedresponsibilities. Job assignments are organizedsimilar to an Alfa company operation. The jobassignments are as follows: dispatcher, yard boss,collateral equipage/attachment custodian, licenseexaminer, maintenance supervisor, shop supervisor,PM/cost control clerk, DTO clerk, technical librarian,floor mechanics, mechanic field crews, and projectcrews. Personnel may be assigned two or three jobresponsibilities, depending on the size of the platoon.These responsibilities are contained in EquipmentManagement, COMSECOND/COMTHIRDNCB-INST 11200.1 series, and are also covered in chapter1 of this TRAMAN.EQUIPMENT PLATOONADMINISTRATION READINESSEquipment platoon administration readiness is theprocess of storing at least a 30-day supply of allrequired forms and office supplies in a mount-out boxor location. This allows you to manage the operationsof an equipment platoon effectively in the event of anair det mount-out. The air det dispatcher, licenseexaminer, and maintenance supervisor should storethe following forms:’s Log, NAVFAC9-11240/2Operator’s Inspection Guide and TroubleReport, NAVFAC 9-11240/13Operator’s Daily PM Report, NAVFAC9-11260/4Motor Equipment Utilization Record, DDForm 1970Collateral Custody Record Card, COM-SECOND/COMTHIRDNCB 60 FormNAVSUP Form 1250PM Record Card, NAVFAC 11240/6Equipment Repair Order, NAVFAC 11200/41Equipment Repair Order Continuation Sheet,NAVFAC 11200/41AOperator’s Identification Card, OF-346Construction Equipment Operator’s License,NAVFAC 11260/2Application for Vehicle Operator’s Identi-fication Card, NAVFAC 11240/102-1
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