13. Application for Construction EquipmentOperator’s license, NAVFAC 11260/114. Physical Fitness Inquiry for MotorVehicle Operators, SF-4715. Construction Equipment OperatorLicense Record NAVFAC 11260/316. Miscellaneous office suppliesDo not wait for notification of the air det tomount-out to start acquiring the required forms. Ifyou do, you may find the dispatcher, licenseexaminer, mechanic shop, or the supply departmentnot having enough forms in stock to supply the needsfor the daily operations of the equipment platoon.TABLE OF ALLOWANCE (TOA)The table of allowance (TOA) outfits theNaval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB) withthe tools and equipment to perform constructionoperations under contingency conditions for 90 days(1,800 construction hours) without resupply;however, fuel and subsistence are limited to 15 dayssupport, and construction materials are not part ofthe TOA. The area commander/project sponsorrequiring the utilization of Seabees is responsible forthe procurement and shipment of constructionmaterials.The Civil Engineer Support Office (CESO),Port Hueneme, California, is the system managerresponsible for maintaining the Naval ConstructionForce (NCF) TOAs. CESO develops new allowancesas directed by COMNAVFACENGCOM and collectsfield recommendations for revisions to existing TOAs.The TOA represents the best selection of tools andsupplies needed to provide general constructioncapabilities, However, the TOA is not capable ofmeeting every operational requirement. When anassigned project requires tools or equipment in excessof the capability of the unit, the allowance must besupplemented by augmentation.An NMCB TOA is divided into three echelons:the air detachment (TA41), air echelon (TA31) minusthe air det, and sea echelon (TA22). The echelons arebased on anticipated prioritization of personnel,material, equipment, and the availability of airliftversus sealift support.The equipment platoon supervisor and the leadmechanic should review the TA41 and request theFigure 2-1.—Air Force 463L cargo pallet.2-2
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