when personnel check out of a command, theexaminer must ensure the NAVFAC 11260/3 and theNAVFAC 11240/10 are forwarded for filing in theperson’s service record before transfcr.5. Accident reporting procedures and otherforms and reports that an operator is responsible forcompleting.MISHAP INVESTIGATIONSTRAINING PROGRAMPoor equipment operating practices and habitscause mishaps and premature equipment breakdowns.An effective training program on the procedures forissuing or renewing a license reduces poor practices,mishaps, and habits. In addition to being supervisedby the license examiner, this training program must besupervised by the equipment officer, safety officer,the applicant’s supervisor, and other qualifiedoperators.Training LicenseEquipment training licenses are issued topersonnel who meet all the required physical andmental qualifications to be licensed but need moreon-the-job training on a piece of equipment. Thetraining license expiration date should not exceed 30days from the date of issue and must have the wordlearner stamped on the face. The license is only validwhen the trainee is accompanied by a qualifiedinstructor or when the trainee is using Navyequipment in a controlled training environment.Training licenses are not required to operate Navyequipment as part of formalized training programsgiven at the Naval Construction Training Centers.Course of InstructionIn addition to learning how to operate equipment,a trainee is required to study a course of instruction.This locally prepared course must include, but neednot be limited to, the following subjects:1. Fundamentals of vehicle operation, includingthe functions and proper usc of major assemblies andattachments and equipment limitations.2. Operator responsibilities before, during, andafter operation maintenance.3. Safety precautions and accident preventionthrough safe driving practices.4. Traffic laws, rules and regulations, handsignals, traffic signs, signals, and markings.Usually, the license examiner is assigned theresponsibilities of the motor vehicle mishap investi-gator for the command assigned. The MishapInvestigation, Reporting and Record Keeping,DODINST 6055.7, states all accidents involving DoDmotor vehicles, including rented CESE, are investi-gated to determine the cause and circumstances.Thorough investigations of all accidents are madeand evidence documented promptly for use in theevent a claim is filed against the government.Accidents that appear trivial may eventually result inlegal suits. Therefore, mishap investigators mustfollow the mishap investigation guidelines set forth inthe OPNAVINST 5102.1 latest edition.A mishap investigator must work closely with thecommand safety chief to develop safety and accidentprevention programs for the command. Theseprograms include the safe operation of CESE,provisions for the mandatory use of seat belts, and theprohibition against smoking in vehicles. They alsoperform joint investigations of serious mishaps thatinclude injury or fatalities.According to OPNAVINST 5102.1, government-owned or leased motor vehicles that involve a fatality,injury, or sustain a total damage of ,000 or morerequire a NAVGRAM sent to the Naval Safety Center.The command must send the NAVGRAM within30 days of the mishap to the Commander, NavalSafety Center, Naval Air Station, Norfolk, Virginia.On-duty motor vehicle accidents resulting in five ormore persons being hospitalized is reported bypriority message or telephone.ROADMASTERIn most cases, the license examiner is assigned toserve as the battalion roadmaster. The roadmasterassures the safe operation of the battalion’s equipmentand enforces regulations as directed by the Alfacompany commander.Additionally, the roadmastershould escort oversized loads and check prospectiveroutes of travel for obstructions.1-48
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