U.S. Government Motor Vehicle Operator’sIdentification Card, OF-346The OF-346 is the license required for automotivemotor vehicles and material-handling equipment.Possession of a valid state operator’s license is notrequired for the issuance of an OF-346 to militarypersonnel on active duty. However, an OF-346 and avalid state driver’s license are required to operategovernment-owned or rented vehicles or equipmentoff base in Alaska, Massachusetts, Nebraska,Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York,Connecticut, Vermont, and the District of Columbia.A properly completed and valid OF-346 musthave the following entries:1. Card number: A two-part sequential numberthat is the actual license number. The first part of thenumber is the activity number or unit designation ofthe original license issuing activity. The second partof the number is the appropriate sequential number inorder of issue. Example: NMCB-3 license number88 becomes 3-88; a 31ST NCR license numberbecomes 31-88. This number is indicated on theoperator’s record, NAVFAC 11240/10, or NAVFAC11260/3, Construction Equipment Operator LicenseRecord (fig. 1-36). The license examiner maintains achronological record of all licenses issued.2. Restrictions: Physical limitations and restric-tions. Typical notations are glasses, daytime, hearingaid, or learner.3. Types of vehicle or equipment: A descriptionof equipment the operator is qualified to operate.Each separate item does not have to be listed; usenotations like trucks through 1 1/4 tons, tractor andtrailer through 10 tons, and so forth.4. Capacity: See Item 3.5. Qualifying official: Signature of examiner.6. Other records: This section is used for a typeof license that requires specific notation. Examplesare as follows: ambulance, fire truck, ammunition andexplosive ordnance vehicles, and avgas refuelers,This entry can also be used as a continuation for Items3 and 4.The OF-346 is valid for 3 years and may berenewed for additional periods of 3 years each.Remember, the OF-346 expires on the birth date ofthe operator.Construction Equipment Operator License,NAVFAC 11260/2The NAVFAC 11260/2 is the proper license foroperating construction equipment. A complete andvalid NAVFAC 11260/2 must have the followingentries:1. Card number: A two-part sequential numberthat is the actual license number. The first part of thenumber is the activity number or unit designation ofthe original license issuing activity. The second partof the number is the appropriate sequential number inorder of issue, for example: NMCB-3 license number88 becomes 3-88; a 31ST NCR license numberbecomes 31-88. This number is indicated on theoperator’s record, NAVFAC 11240/10 or NAVFAC11260/3, Construction Equipment Operator LicenseRecord (fig, 1-36). The license examiner maintains achronological record of all licenses issued.2. Date issued:Abbreviated entries of theissuing date, month, and year.3. Date expired:Abbreviated entries of theexpiration date, month, and year. The NAVFAC11260/2 is valid for 2 years and may be renewed foradditional periods of 2 years each. The licenseexpires on the birth date of the operator in odd or evenyears, consistent with the operator’s year of birth. Forexample, if the birth date is 20 June 1960, theexpiration dates are 20 June 1994 and 20 June 1996.The license expires on the birth date of the operator inodd or even years, consistent with the operator’s yearof birth. For example: If the birth date is 20 June1960, the expiration dates are 20 June 1994, 20 June1996, and so forth.4. Name of operator: The operator’s name, ascontained in official personnel records.5. Equipment type:Description of the basicunits the operator is qualified to operate. Typicalnotations are front-end loader, dozer, grader, orexcavator.6. Size and capacity: Make and model ofequipment written as the equipment type. Typicalnotations are JD670, D8 CAT, D7 CAT, Bantam,Gradall, 515 Dresser, and so forth.7. Attachment: Description of the attachmentthe operator is qualified to operate. Typical notationsare backhoe, forks, bucket, blade, winch, ripper, or allattachments. This entry can also be used to denotegas- or diesel-powered equipment.1-45
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