developed from the original plan and profile sheet ofa typical road project. They depict different earthworkphases to be considered by the EO when engaged inearthmoving operations.The sketches shown in figures 15-12 and 15-13were prepared by placing a piece of tracing paperdirectly over the plan and profile sheet and tracing thenew road and stations. Information was added that wasnot included on the original plan and profile sheet,such as borrow pit, waste pit, stream, temporary haulroad, temporary culverts, equipment area, plannedcut-and-fill areas, and a typical road section. Anyinformation may be included that allows you tovisualize the finished product.EARTHWORK COMPUTATIONSEarthwork computations are the calculations ofearthwork volumes or quantities to determine finalgrades, to balance cut and fill, and to PLAN the mosteconomical movement of material.Volume ChangesMost earthmoving is computed in cubic yards;however, on some project drawings, the metric systemis used. A cubic yard is a cube 3 feet long, 3 feet wide,and 3 feet high. Many dimensions in fieldmeasurements and contract plans are in feet, so if theyare multiplied together to obtain bulk (length x widthx depth), the results are in cubic feet. To obtain cubicyards from cubic feet, divide the cubic feet by 27(there are 27 cubic feet in one cubic yard). It is alsopossible to divide the original linear measurement by3 to convert the numbers to into yards, and thenmultiply. However, this may lead to working infractions, decimals, and mixed numbers.Cubic yards of material are either in place, loose,or compacted. Material, excavated from its naturalstate, increases in volume, commonly known as swell.Undisturbed material is measured as in-place cubicyards, material loosen by handling is measured inloose cubic yards, and the volume of compactedmaterial is measured as compacted cubic yards.NOTE: When calculating estimates from projectdrawings, you estimate cuts as in-place cubic yardsand estimate fills as compacted cubic yards.To calculate the correct amount of material to behandled, you convert the present soil conditions byusing table 15-1.Road NomenclatureA cross-sectional view of a road and itscomponents is shown in figure 15-14. Before anyconstruction is performed on a project site, theelevation is known as existing grade. The drivingFigure 15-14.—Road nomenclature.15-10
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