Several types of tailgate spreaders are in use today.
trucks. Hoppers have various widths and capacities.
The simplest is the vane spreader (fig. 16-29).
They usually contain augers to distribute the aggregate
There are tailgate spreaders that consist of a hopper
the full width of the box. They have controls to regulate
feed gates, feed roll, augers, and the truck hitch. All
with a feed roller, activated by small wheels driven by
tailgate and mechanical spreaders that are pushed by a
contact with the truck wheels (fig. 16-30).
truck have the disadvantage that the truck must be
Mechanical spreaders are hoppers on wheels that
operated in reverse with consequent loss of steering
are hooked onto and are propelled by backing aggregate
control and reduction in speed.
Figure 16-29.Vane spreader.
Figure 16-30.-Hopper type of tailgate spreader.