LEVELING EQUIPMENTTo set, use, and compute grade stake measure-ments, you must be able to measure the verticaldistance from one point to another. This process iscalled levelingand is accomplished by using levelingequipment.A level is an instrument used for measuringvertical distances. All levels have a line of sight witha bubble device for maintaining the instrument in ahorizontal plane.Levels vary in their accuracyFigure 15-36.—Finish grade stake.according to the quality and magnification power ofthe lens.Vertical distances are actually measured bysighting on a graduated rod, called a level rod. Likeother surveying equipment used for measuringdistances, level rods usually are graduated in feet,tenths, and hundredths.HAND LEVELThe hand level is generally a round metal tubeabout 6 inches long with an eyepiece at one end, across hair at the other end, and a level vial on top (fig.15-37). Part of the cross-hair end is covered with amirror that reflects the image of the bubble to theviewer.To use the hand level, look through the eyepieceend at the rod with the level vial on top. Tilt the entirehand level until the bubble is centered on the cross hairwhile looking through the eyepiece. It is sometimesnecessary to know the height of the level above theground where you are standing. This may beaccomplished by resting the level on a stick of knownFigure 15-7.—Hand level.15-21
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