systems, and appendix III provides symbols usedin nonaeronautical mechanical systems.The remainder of chapter 1 is devoted to theadvantages and problems of fluid power appli-cations. Included are brief sections on the history,development, and applications of hydraulics,the states of matter.ADVANTAGES OF FLUID POWERandThe extensive use of hydraulics and pneuma-tics to transmit power is due to the fact thatproperly constructed fluid power systems possessa number of favorable characteristics. Theyeliminate the need for complicated systems ofgears, cams, and levers. Motion can be trans-mitted without the slack inherent in the use ofsolid machine parts. The fluids used are notsubject to breakage as are mechanical parts, andthe mechanisms are not subjected to great wear.The different parts of a fluid power systemcan be conveniently located at widely separatedpoints, since the forces generated are rapidlytransmitted over considerable distances with smallloss. These forces can be conveyed up and downor around corners with small loss in efficiency andwithout complicated mechanisms. Very largeforces can be controlled by much smaller ones andcan be transmitted through comparatively smalllines and orifices.If the system is well adapted to the work it isrequired to perform, and if it is not misused, itcan provide smooth, flexible, uniform actionwithout vibration, and is unaffected by variationof load. In case of an overload, an automaticrelease of pressure can be guaranteed, so that thesystem is protected against breakdown or strain.Fluid power systems can provide widely variablemotions in both rotary and straight-line trans-mission of power. The need for control by handcan be minimized. In addition, fluid powersystems are economical to operate.The question may arise as to why hydraulicsis used in some applications and pneumatics inothers. Many factors are considered by the userand/or the manufacturer when determining whichtype of system to use in a specific application.There are no hard and fast rules to follow;however, past experience has provided somesound ideas that are usually considered when suchdecisions are made. If the application requiresspeed, a medium amount of pressure, and onlyfairly accurate control, a pneumatic system maybe used. If the application requires only a mediumamount of pressure and a more accurate control,a combination of hydraulics and pneumatics maybe used. If the application requires a great amountof pressure and/or extremely accurate control, ahydraulic system should be used.SPECIAL PROBLEMSThe extreme flexibility of fluid power elementspresents a number of problems. Since fluids haveno shape of their own, they must be positivelyconfined throughout the entire system. Specialconsideration must be given to the structuralintegrity of the parts of a fluid power system.Strong pipes and containers must be provided.Leaks must be prevented. This is a seriousproblem with the high pressure obtained in manyfluid power installations.The operation of the system involves constantmovement of the fluid within the lines andcomponents. This movement causes frictionwithin the fluid itself and against the containingsurfaces which, if excessive, can lead to seriouslosses in efficiency. Foreign matter must not beallowed to accumulate in the system, where it willclog small passages or score closely fitted parts.Chemical action may cause corrosion. Anyoneworking with fluid power systems must know howa fluid power system and its components operate,both in terms of the general principles commonto all physical mechanisms and of the peculiaritiesof the particular arrangement at hand.HYDRAULICSThe word hydraulicsis based on the Greekword for water, and originally covered the studyof the physical behavior of water at rest and inmotion. Use has broadened its meaning to includethe behavior of all liquids, although it is primarilyconcerned with the motion of liquids.Hydraulics includes the manner in whichliquids act in tanks and pipes, deals with theirproperties, and explores ways to take advantageof these properties.DEVELOPMENT OF HYDRAULICSAlthough the modern development ofhydraulics is comparatively recent, the ancientswere familiar with many hydraulic principles andtheir applications. The Egyptians and the ancientpeople of Persia, India, and China conveyed water1-2
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