CHAPTER 1INTRODUCTION TO FLUID POWERFluid power is a term which was created toinclude the generation, control, and applicationof smooth, effective power of pumped orcompressed fluids (either liquids or gases) whenthis power is used to provide force and motionto mechanisms. This force and motion maybe inthe form of pushing, pulling, rotating, regulating,or driving. Fluid power includes hydraulics, whichinvolves liquids, and pneumatics, which involvesgases. Liquids and gases are similar in manyrespects. The differences are pointed out in theappropriate areas of this manual.This manual presents many of the funda-mental concepts in the fields of hydraulics andpneumatics. It is intended as a basic reference forall personnel of the Navy whose duties andresponsibilities require them to have a knowledgeof the fundamentals of fluid power. Conse-quently, emphasis is placed primarily on thetheory of operation of typical fluid power systemsand components that have applications in navalequipment. Many applications of fluid power arepresented in this manual to illustrate the functionsand operation of different systems and com-ponents. However, these are only representativeof the many applications of fluid power in navalequipment. Individual training manuals for eachrate provide information concerning the applica-tion of fluid power to specific equipment forwhich the rating is responsible.A brief summary of the contents of thistraining manual is given in the followingparagraphs:Chapter 2 covers the characteristics of liquidsand the factors affecting them. It also explainsthe behavior of liquids at rest, identifies thecharacteristics of liquids in motion, and explainsthe operation of basic hydraulic components.Chapter 3 discusses the qualities of fluidsacceptable for hydraulic systems and the types offluids used. Included are sections on safetyprecautions to follow when handling potentiallyhazardous fluids, liquid contamination, andcontrol of contaminants.Chapter 4 covers the hydraulic pump, thecomponent in the hydraulic system whichgenerates the force required for the system toperform its design function. The informationprovided covers classifications, types, operation,and construction of pumps.Chapter 5 deals with the piping, tubing andflexible hoses, and connectors used to carry fluidsunder pressure.Chapter 6 discusses the classification, types,and operation of valves used in the control offlow, pressure, and direction of fluids.Chapter 7 covers the types and purposes ofsealing devices used in fluid power systems,including the different materials used in theirconstruction. Additionally, the guidelines forselecting, installing, and removing O-rings areincluded.Chapter 8 discusses the operation of devicesused to measure and regulate the pressure of fluidsand to measure the temperature of fluids.Chapter 9 describes the functions and typesof reservoirs, strainers, filters, and accumulators,and their uses in fluid power systems.Chapter 10 discusses the types and operationof actuators used to transform the energygenerated by hydraulic systems into mechanicalforce and motion.Chapter 11 deals with pneumatics. It discussesthe origin of pneumatics, the characteristics andcompressibility of gases, and the most commonlyused gases in pneumatic systems. Also, sectionsare included to cover safety precautions and thepotential hazards of compressed gases.Chapter 12 identifies the types of diagramsencountered in fluid power systems. This chapteralso discusses how components of chapters 4, 5,6, 8, 9, and 10 are combined to form and operatetogether as a system.A glossary of terms commonly used in fluidpower is provided in appendix I. Appendix IIprovides symbols used in aeronautical mechanical1-1
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